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40 thoughts on “🔞, 🔥 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗮 🔥🔞naked live sex chat

  1. While a lot of people jumped right in to say lose weight and exercise, and while that may be a good idea, please work on loving yourself at any size. Truth be told, I speak from experience on this, you don't gain self love when you lose weight. There are other benefits, perhaps, and maybe even more people will be attracted to you, but that is not the same as self love or confidence. True advice: make a point every day to take a picture of yourself and highlight something you like about what you see. Begin by being mindful of how you talk to and about yourself. Stop letting your value be determined by anyone else and definitely don't think that changing how you look on the outside magically changes how you feel on the inside.

  2. My perspective is limited as I’m white, but if this is a policy you adopted after you and her became serious, I think it totally makes sense. You’re in a happy relationship and can’t imagine being with someone else, and being Latina is part of what makes her who she is. Assuming that you don’t mean it in a fetishy/objectifying way, it seems like an okay train of thought. That being said, you probably shouldn’t go around saying that because of the existing history of white men fetishizing Latina women…

  3. It is perfectly reasonable for OP to be upset about this. However she decided to get back together with him so it’s unreasonable to hold this against him. They were broken up, he didn’t owe her anything. He didn’t cheat (in this instance). Getting back together with him while holding something against him that he did while broken up is a recipe for disaster.

  4. I find it a huge turn on. My wife gushes when we do anal. And I love it when she squirts in my face when I'm going down on her. My wife was nervous of this when we first met, she was embarrassed by it. But 15 years in and she fully embraces it as part of her sexuality now she knows I think it's hot as fuck. We do often lay a towel down to catch it, especially if doing anal.

  5. Very true. I’m a runner and my libido was high constantly. But that didn’t mean I asked for sex constantly either. She never initiated at all for years, we had marriage counseling two times on this issue and no change. I bent and complied with docent things, and then one time we didn’t for 3 weeks. I thought she was cheating.

  6. It's definitely not urine, at all. If you've been with a squirter you know that. Aside from what I explained… that the body can't produce urine in one minute, if you have any experience with it you know that it doesn't smell like urine. Everyone knows what pee smells like, and squirt is not pee. Your preference is your own, but ignorance is not becoming.

  7. Maybe she doesn't know what she likes. Fingering is not what I would focus on, get good at oral. Women in general love good oral.

  8. no, because you can get better in bed, but you can't do anything about what you're born with. It's like a guy's height, if he has hair loss, or a woman's appearance of her vagina, or her cup size. They're extremely touchy subjects. The “even though you're the smallest” is like a stab to the heart, regardless of what is accompanied with it

  9. Vaginas vary just like penises do. They vary in depth, in tightness. Some feel very smooth inside, some feel very ridgy. And none of the above matters much. What matters is your enthusiasm during sex. How into it you are. How much you make your partner feel desired. THAT is what makes good sex, not the dimensions or texture of your vagina. Sure, do kegels, learn to control those muscles. But this is so secondary to enthusiasm.

  10. He's gaslighting you and doesn't truly respect you. Don't fall prey to it and breakup asap. It'll only become worse for you over time as he takes you for granted more and more.

  11. I appreciate your comment, sadly in my country it’s only covered if it’s a medical necessity e.g. something NEEDS to be removed or your health will suffer. It’s „only“ 500€ — 800€ around here with every follow up appointment etc covered but at the moment it’s simply too much to pay at once, though we will do that in the near future. It’s just considering our current „crisis“ prices in general have skyrocketed for even the most basic things, so we need to budget 🙂

  12. Well does he know he's about to have anal sex with an anal virgin real quick possibly in public? That's like him saying “im wearing a lubed up condom under my outfit on my first date tonight so i can slide in real quick. 🤔hmm. I wonder if it will dry up before we finish dinner.”

  13. Okay that is good then. But if he leaves you his phone have u check anything suspicious at all, it could be that or something or he's lousy and thinking of doing something, else. I have never had sex before so I don't know what to tell you

  14. Yesh that sounds like something very serious so you should consider therapy. Not to be a dick or anything, but considering that you still have this issue at 28 it's not very likely that you can overcome this by yourself.

  15. Yes this! Communication is so important. It’s really not that weird. Like, I’d rather a partner be like help me find this I gotta get to work! 😂 communication is really the key to good sex

  16. This is a form of non-monogamy. So you might be better off asking in a sub dedicated to it that kind of relationship. The term for it is generally 'hotwifing'. There are lots of things to consider, including potential jealousy, your safety. sexual health, what kind of boundaries you need, and potential difficulties you might have – as we all know, its hard to find a genuinely good sexual partner who isn't selfish or disrespectful. You might have luck within the open relationship communities, as those guys would have their own partners and be less likely to get attached.

  17. Never really understood asexuality. If you aren't interested in sex, why are you in a romantic relationship? If sex is just a chore to keep your SO happy, how is that not toxic?

  18. Talk to a doctor. Whether it's ED, depression, or whatever, see a doctor. If you can't get erections for months, you need to see a doctor. ​ I have not been able to please my wife, or even myself Is your tongue broken, too? Take care of your wife while you sort out your problem.

  19. Same, nothing better than going down on my wife. We like to edge her out with it, alt between a couple mins of pen, couple mins of eating her out. Do that for a while and stretch it out for as long as possible. Near the end she is so amped up she can basically pick if she wants to get off from pen or oral and then just GO.

  20. Same here 🙏 My girlfriend has a beautiful vagina with a perfect thigh gap and her scent (and natural body scent in general) is just amazing. The good thing is that she likes giving head just as much, so we spend many a happy morning making all sorts of funny noises 😍 Go forth and enjoy!

  21. I guess I was looking for him to guide me through it, be in control and kind of give me that sense of safety (for lack of a better term) but instead, he pulled back and essentially had me fuck his friend infront of him, which just felt so weird to me. Not at all what I expected, but again- not all his fault. No, you were going into a totally new experience and expecting him to help and guide you, and make you feel safe, which he did not do. So yeah, you're right, it's not all his fault, it's completely his fault. He had one job, but he was too busy stroking himself to you getting fucked by a stranger, (regardless of your comfort). Group sex can be fun times, but from what you've described I hate everything about this. I'm throwing red flags, but nobody listens to old fucks on the internet (or in general, really). You are important and you matter, and I hope you realize that. I don't think your boyfriend appreciates that fact.

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  23. Heyy… yes!!! I do my SO only likes missionary and cowgirl and it really does get boring . She's unfortunately not too keen to explore and when suggested she mentioned that she's not that into it . Sucks

  24. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  25. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about having sex for the first time. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily because many people are anxious about it. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of you post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


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