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AdrianaRusssonaked live sex chat

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6 thoughts on “AdrianaRusssonaked live sex chat

  1. I don’t personally like continuous penetration for that long. I don’t orgasm from it and, while it can feel good, at some point it gets tiring. I’m not the collective consciousness of all women, though, and everyone is different.

  2. Its stupid to just dismiss people's agency like that. I did a bunch of dumb stuff when I was a teen that has helped me develop.

  3. In addition to your Dick you have a tongue, 10 fingers and 2 palms. Be sure to use all them. She’ll be a very happy satisfied girl

  4. I like giving more than receiving and honestly it just feels nice knowing I made her feel good. For the second question, no I never ponder on that and overall just focus on wanting to make her feel good or at least comfortable from the experience.

  5. That you for your input. Interesting perspective. That's my concern, I dont want my turn on to turn him off. Sex is supposed to be mutually pleasurable. In regards to me being assertive, did you mean for me be assertive with what I want him to do for me or what he wants me to do for him?


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