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AlisaBrecknaked live sex chat

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27 thoughts on “AlisaBrecknaked live sex chat

  1. Is he able to achieve an erection when he’s using porn? This would be a major indicator if his problem is related to porn

  2. Break up with him as soon as possible. He’s not worth it. Then proceed with legal actions and sue his ass off. You deserve so much better.

  3. It's the easiest way to make my wife cum honestly. She's not always in the mood for it cause she's always been self conscious about her pussy and how it looks, smells, tastes, maybe hasn't shaved in a bit, etc. It did take some time to learn what works for her and sometimes I have to use a couple fingers but IMHO it's the best way to start out sex. It just really gets me going and gives us both time mentally to get fully into “horny” mode

  4. My wife said the smallest guy she was ever with kept saying “it’s so big, it’s so big” as they were getting to it, hookup ended soon after,

  5. If you have pathologically high testosterone levels this can be treated with medication. Some birth control pills lower the testosterone levels as well. If you still have a regular menstrual cycle your testosterone levels are probably not pathologically high. But I would get it checked by a doctor and if it turnes out to be fine you still can consult alternative medicine and psychotherapy.

  6. Yeah it's a vicious disorder that can take over someone life. I've been fighting it for a year now hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel

  7. I'm curious how he makes you orgasm so much? Coming from a man, long as it's hard, jump on. If not, give me a pull then jump on again. Make sure he's well hydrated.

  8. Dude, she's not gaslighting you. Some people aren't able to share partners that they care about. I'm the same way, but I have participated in group sex with others. I simply didn't have an emotional attachment with them. I'd love to have a ffm with someone I was dating, but I know I couldn't watch my woman get railed by another guy. I've suggest it to girlfriends in the past, and if they say no, I don't bring it up again.

  9. If he's willing, have him (and you if you want to be there with him) talk about getting snipped. It can be reversed. I think there might be something like the pill for men but I'm not sure on that. Definitely talk with a doctor. They have knowledge and are willing to help.

  10. Why not make the next move to confirm if he’s into you? If he rejects you then take it as a lesson not to sleep with coworkers (since it’ll be awkward for a bit)

  11. Question, what are you hoping the commenters here will say? What do you want to hear? You say this is the only issue but you felt compelled enough to go to Reddit about it. Here’s something slightly different. Recently I got a FWB who is a good communicator and wanted to be vulnerable with me from the get go. He’s asked me things and vice versa, and we’ve shared a lot about ourselves. He told me he’s super insecure about his butt (though I think it’s great??) so unfortunately I have to be mindful of it/not draw too much attention to it even though I want to and am a butt gal who sees nothing wrong with it. But the one thing I had been insecure about the most for the past two years post-weight loss, my breasts’ shape, I decided I wasn’t going to tell him. Why? Well, as good as it is to trust and be vulnerable with someone, once you reveal an insecurity about yourself, your BIGGEST insecurity, it’s out there and that person’s awareness of YOUR view of your body forever changes. And at the worst of it, you are potentially giving someone something they can use against you or that they know will have a strong impact on you. I have been with partners who seemed confident in their non-athletic bodies and I realized, you know what? Screw it, I want to be the same way. People like confident people. I feel more relaxed around them. Even if I don’t love every part of me, I do feel confident in myself overall and that’s what I want sexual partners to know and see first. Confidence genuinely is fake it til you make it sometimes. My FWB doesn’t need to know everything and doesn’t need to be conscious of my insecurity when I can tell he likes my boobs/has no complaints/doesn’t even notice. I’ve never gotten non-positive comments on them from anyone and I know I wouldn’t tolerate it if I did. I’m gonna give your boyfriend a massive benefit of the doubt here: I’m guessing that he doesn’t like the pressure/expectation to say “no you’re not! You’re fine/beautiful!” that people often feel when someone says in front of them some rendition of “I’m so fat/ugly/hate x part about myself” and he’d rather just be blunt and give an “ok, you are; what are you gonna do about it?” response. Hell, I’ve done that sometimes too with particularly egregious people when it’s something they can fix (but usually I just stay silent and listen). You clearly don’t take well to that. I’m also worried that on top of that he may be casually giving off a concern troll/subtle digs/exerting emotional power over you vibe but I don’t have enough info to draw that conclusion. I hope it’s not that. But you really have to think through either a) how you’re going to communicate to him that he is not supporting you the way you want to be supported, or b) whether his words and presence will negatively effect your self esteem more than positively impact it, and whether you’re ready to submit yourself to that for the rest of your life because he’s “perfect in every other way.” So my bottom line is this: the more you disrespect or put down your body, the more it opens the door for partners to do it to you too. I’m not saying you disrespect or hate your body by any means and I think it’s great you’ve persevered and are athletic and healthy, but in my own way I want to be blunt about how words can have an effect. Clearly his words are having an effect on you and I wonder if he would have spoken to you this way had you not told him it’s something you’re insecure about (genuinely please let me know because I’m curious if he started making these comments before you mentioned it; THAT would be much more of a red flag). I know most of the comments here are telling you to dump him and I know you’re ignoring/avoiding them. That’s why I wanted to come from a different angle that might not be as popular in case it resonates more. Ultimately you gotta get your shit together and decide if you’re going to do something about it or just learn to tolerate it.

  12. How they handle it is their problem not yours. Saying no is your responsibility to yourself. It's just one word and is a completely answer. If they respond with something like “why” or “are you sure” or “come on” they aren't the person whose feelings you should be valuing. Even if they don't coerce, if you feel “no” then that's what your answer should always be. Don't reason yourself into saying yes.

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  14. I have a fantasy that I never wanna live out…cause then it won't be a fantasy anymore… the worst

  15. He is right you are a pussy victim. Bj are your fav thing in sex yet you don't know why guys like pushing your head etc etc. From what I read your story is full of holes and you sound like Karen with victim mentality

  16. I never said it was a problem. His comment was rude and incredibly insensitive. A situation like this requires a bit more tact and understanding. Commenting on his decision to be intimate with someone of her age was childish at best and so was the advice. This is a situation that the OP isn’t taking lightly and genuinely cares about…taking advice like this person left could derail a relationship he values.

  17. I don’t know if there are specific words like you’re asking, but I’d certainly say selfless and wholesome come to mind when reading your post. Well done, sir!

  18. GTFO Texas, girl!! Seriously – nothing is worth your physical, emotional, and mental health like what you've been through! Come out West!

  19. He actually listened to what I needed and applied it… Yall he rocked my shit for 4 hours (10 minute breaks, he was higher than eagles ass)


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