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Happy day guys! time to play!

6 thoughts on “Andrea-Fernandez

  1. The word “sex” originally meant “to separate into male and female”, think of a farmer separating the male chicks from the females. It comes from the same root as other words of division like “section”, “dissect”, “insect”, and “sectarian”. The word “fuck” originally just meant “to strike”, or as we might say today, bang. Every word starts out as a metaphor or a euphemism. No reason to prefer one over another in the abstract.

  2. Unless I'm mistaken SARMs generally cause erectile dysfunction, they don't “fix” them. In other words, men don't take them to sustain an erection…taking them is why they'd have trouble sustaining an erection to begin with. So either your BF is wildly mistaken about the effects of the drugs or he's taking them for his fighting career and it has nothing to do with your sex life (but he's telling you that as a way to get you stop asking him to stop using them). My money is on the second reason. He knows it's not about sex but he thinks you'll “accept” use better if you think it's for “your benefit.”

  3. This is such a great answer. She doesn't really want to be hurt. What she wants is to be unmistakably TAKEN. She wants to be ravished, not ravaged. Not raped, but dominantly physically enjoyed in a way that lets her know that you just can't help yourself. That you won't take “no” for an answer, that submission to your will is her only option. What she wants is for you to take and enjoy what she has and wants to give you. She wants you to take sex when you want it. She belongs to you (and no other) and this is her way of saying so. It's very hot and very sexy when your man claims you as his own.

  4. Talk to men before sex about what you expect, want, like and don’t like. I’m a woman. Sex got better once I laid out my expectations. And cut men off after two chances.

  5. I don't think this is the case, she is always the one initiating things and says she wants it and wants to know what it feels like. I have reassured her many times there is no rush and we can take our time with anything. (I don't have the highest of sex drives to begin with). The Anal toy was an idea to help as we are unsure how to progress.

  6. I'm just happy when a woman gives me acces😂. That said, I am a lover of 'outies', I think they are gorgeous.


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