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AnnieBeerrynaked live sex chat

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12 thoughts on “AnnieBeerrynaked live sex chat

  1. It's okay to be inexperienced. The next time you're hooking up with anyone you have a chance to practice setting boundaries. Boundaries, at the end of the day, are about respecting yourself, your needs, and your body. Being a pushover is giving permission to someone to not respect you and at the end of the day do you want to have sex with someone who doesn't respect you? So setting boundaries is a good thing. It helps you find out if the person you are sleeping with is even worth sleeping with in the first place. That being said, I do recommend getting an STD test. For me, We can't fuck without a condom unless we both have been tested and don't have anything. This is a boundary I have. STDs can impact my health, my future children's health, their health, and our ability to find partners if it doesn't work between us. There's nothing particularly wrong with having one either. There is something wrong with giving it to someone who didn't consent to getting one from you. It doesn't matter if you've only had 1 sexual partner (unless you're each other's first) or a 1000. Each time you sleep with someone you do run the risk of it. Planned parenthood let's you get tested for free or super cheap. Again, you're not dirty if you have one. It might just be harder due to the stigma and being a woman there are more possible health complications. Many men won't know they have one either because they don't always feel it or get tested. Overall, don't beat yourself up for not setting up boundaries. Learn from it and make sure you do it for yourself. Don't sleep with people who don't give the bare minimum of a fuck about your well being. There are plenty of men who will at least do that.

  2. This vent post has been removed. See Posting Guideline #10: 10) GENERAL RANTS, ESSAYS, EDITORIALS, VENTS, CONFESSIONS, PSAS AND AMAS. These don’t belong in the main forum unless you have obtained prior moderator approval. Save them for story-based forums. Or Tumblr.

  3. It’s literally his job to make sure you orgasm, seriously I know some women find it difficult or just can’t for many reasons but if you can orgasm then it’s his mission to make sure he makes it happen. You man seems a little afraid of hard work he either needs to man up or give the job to someone who is capable.

  4. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  5. Your therapist would be the best person to help you decide whether psychiatric care is needed. I would only suggest to abstain from sex untill you can feel your body again, for your own and your partner's safety.

  6. Sorry, i guess just how I say things like that. For me it's a “does this make sense?” sort of intention. But still, some peoples sexual response isn't like how YOU experience it.

  7. yep …. disaster. Even outside your suspicions about the cheating. Say if that was all just an “organic” experience she stumbled into…. Just even bringing up “last night was really great!”, could blow up in your face somehow. – she could again, get self-conscious – “wHaT, oUr SeX wAsN'T GuD EnUff B4!!!” or something. Don't even pressure her, or EVEN suggest her drinking prior to sex again to get that out of her. Give her space. Hopefully she wasn't too blasted and remember and realized what happened and how good it was …. and repeats it, hopefully with less or no booze. I'm not saying don't talk about it, but you have to tread so lightly here.

  8. Meaning no disrespect, but what would be wrong with porn? Very easy to access for most people; don't need recommendations. =)

  9. He probably has a yeast infection himself (yes, men get them too), and keeps giving it to you. The gross thing about men and yeast infections is that condoms won't help. He needs to get some meds and keep his junk clean. Stop sleeping with him, please have some care for yourself and stop this.,on%20skin%2C%20especially%20moist%20skin.,to%20fully%20kill%20the%20fungus.\~:text=Yeast%20Infections%20After%20Sex&text=If%20a%20man%20has%20balanitis,sites%20where%20yeast%20can%20overgrow.


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