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31 thoughts on “ashlilinnaked live sex chat

  1. use a different doctor. he isnt listening to you and is downplaying your pain. he wont even refer you to a specialist. look for another doctor or maybe threaten him with a malpractice lawsuit.

  2. Wow this is actually thought provoking. Aside from growing up religious and it being taboo I too discovered masturbation at a young age. Instead of my parents saying something to me about it they just watched? Into my adult years it really affected me and I felt totally disgusted with myself. I guess I’ve never overcome it, 35 years later. Looking forward to what responses you get.

  3. Okay good. You know what to do now. Flirt all day. Get the baby down to bed and get to it (don’t grey pregnant again yet) you’re going to want to keep the sex up before going down this sexless road again. (My 2 cents). I’ve seen plenty of your situation on DB where one partner thought it was going to happen after 1-2-3 years and the other partner was like nope.

  4. Post orgasm torture (POT) is fantastic for the right person. My wife’s G spot gets super sensitive after orgasm. The slightest stimulation sends her over the edge again and again. Of course I can’t resist. 😈

  5. Your size is fine. Warm, wet and you feel your partner's movements in size her. Sex can feel different for everyone, for me I feel the other person react to what I am doing, not just on my dick but with my hand, legs, all parts of my body too. Some people just like the stroke, I personally think it's about all of it. As for getting to that point, don't force things, just meet people, make friends and you will meet someone to explore this with.

  6. It's a silly and arbitrary rule, but “half-plus-seven” always seems safe. If he's bringing home partners that are old enough to drink (in the US; 21 years old), that's too old, IMO. (Or more accurately, he's too young for them) Soon he'll be 18 and the top end of the acceptable age range moves up to 22.

  7. This kind of sounds like kidney stones but I’d check in with your doctor to make sure. In the meantime to manage symptoms for the burning sensation, I’d highly recommend Cystopurin (potassium citrate)!

  8. I'm a male for context and this guy seems like a bit of a man child to me. 20 years? Wow! I'm with my wife about 17 and still always make sure she's looked after, whatever my condition or status. Not patting myself on the back, just saying I believe this is how a guy should treat any woman willing to let him go inside her (sorry, don't mean that in a vulgar way). Difficult to say what exactly is wrong here, but the drinking and age, stress, lifestyle are probably taking over now. They might be combining against him, who knows?! It's quite possible too that he's not himself. Men don't like to talk. Can I suggest you reach out to him one last time to just ask if he's ok, then probably let it go thereafter? I'm not saying he's necessarily suicidal or anything, but we never truly know do we?! It's hard to face physical issues due to age/lifestyle etc. I know, because after years of heavy lifting in the gym, my knees are starting to go and I'm now slightly $hitting myself that I may have to stop doing something I love….so perhaps, he's having a similar “crisis” for the want of a better word. I wish you well whatever you choose, because you seem like a great woman to have endured much of that for so long and yes…you deserve better if he can't provide it. Best wishes!

  9. I'd say you dodged a bullet. Good on you for getting out of that relationship when you did. The fact that he chose porn and paying for a random woman's nudes sorta disappointing. Like he literally had a irl opportunity to do something but tossed it away for a parasocial relationship smh

  10. Why tf would you start having sex with someone who's sleeping without asking them first?? This is messed up. If roles were reversed I bet you wouldn't be happy either. This is the stuff you should talk about beforehand. Otherwise, it can end pretty badly. I'm not surprised he was annoyed, I'd be pissed and never see you again if I was him. I hope you apologized. Do better next time and ask first!

  11. Unfortunately men are taught that the only way they're allowed to show affection is it if there sex involved. There are women who will hold affection from their sons because they think it's inappropriate. I don't know if it's just a white thing or a dysfunctional family thing but that's not okay. You have to ask him how he grew up? Also some people love languages is touch so that's why he might think it's sexual. Have a talk with him.

  12. Here’s what I thought you were going to say because it’s been my experience: women on top tend to get off from a back and forth motion, which tends to not stimulate men as well as loosen their erection (to avoid snapping pressure). Maybe try going intervals of back & forth with the classic up & down

  13. Than its time to say, no we actually need to discuss something that is destroying our relationship, can we discuss this properly like adults, before it ends our relationship.

  14. It was risperidone. However, if you are trying to artificially induce lactation, try domperidone instead. Fewer side effects. Leave risperidone to those of us that have it prescribed for medical reasons.

  15. Pineapple juice works but you need to change your overall diet as well. It won’t necessarily cancel all that gunk out. With a moderately clean diet, pineapple juice works within 24-48 hours imo.

  16. Orgasms are complex things. There are degrees of orgasm. Sometimes, you may feel a partial or near orgasmic spasm and think that was it. The best way to learn is to keep going. In women, the second, third, and successive orgasms are typically more powerful.

  17. Sorry to hear. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you. Maybe try a different bc? For me the nexplanon has been best. But everyone is different hope you get the help and treatments to help you. Best of luck.

  18. “sounds exciting” and “not into it” is a contradiction. I can't explain it to myself, but I myself enthusiastically tie up my partners but do not enjoy been tied. I would allow it to please a partner I have grown fond of, but I'd be waiting for it to end. I have done it, let myself be bound. Your words suggest you haven't even tried it. You can't be sure you'll be overwhelmed. You should propose it to bf. Explain that part of you is scared and you may have to call it off as soon as you start. There are ties the submissive can get out of. I like them because most of the appeal of bondage for me is just the show, the visual. Another appeal is they are low effort. One technique of mild bondage is to use slip knots, the knot used to tie shoelaces. Here's a particular tie. Tie some material into a circle 30 to 34 inches around. Take the circle and get it to wrap all the way around each wrist once. The result is a tie that the submissive can slip out of. And a person can apply it to themselves, including to bind the arms behind them.

  19. Lol. So, when I squirt this happens. And unless he is pulling his fingers out quickly to make me spray it everywhere, as long as my bladder is empty the sweet tasting liquid is what comes out. he has put his fingers in my mouth after to make me taste it and holy shit it is very sweet.

  20. As a bisexual woman, I just can’t fathom not giving and receiving every time I am with a woman! I am a giver too, but she needs to reciprocate too or it’s just empty and I would feel used! I would have that conversation outside of the bedroom with her and tell her it leaves you feeling empty.


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