BabySmith OX adult sex cams twerk

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40 thoughts on “BabySmith OX adult sex cams twerk

  1. You ever hear of privacy. Like come on you people are the fucking worst. If ops fiancé wants to masturbate in private to piss porn then he deserve that right and he also deserves the right to deny it.

  2. OP this sounds exactly like my ex, who is an ex for this very reason. You should run. He doesn’t care, he sees your vulnerability and wants control.

  3. Yes, you have had 6 years of joined memories. However, you must admit that you likely wouldn't have spent this long with him if you had known. He chose to play an act and pretend in order to keep you is what it sounds like. But now that you are talking about taking things to the next level, the jig is up because he knows he doesn't genuinely want sex/intimacy for his entire life. It is unfair of him to have done this to you, but don't see it as a waste of time. He will likely see any form of intimacy you share as duty sex. I know it hurts, but this likely will not get better. I recommend setting a date in your head. If things don't get better by that date, leave. Don't throw your life away for a life you know you don't want.

  4. Look yeah you are conflicted but for christ sake just buy the toy and use it. Do you feel guilty for using your fingers? Its a tool to help you feel better. You realize your upbringing was crap or else you would be happy in your own skin. You don't need ANYONES permission to be happy. Buy a nice toy, lock the damn door and go to town. Eventually you will find a caring partner to share with but for now a toy is no big deal and damn to hell anyone who thinks otherwise.

  5. I don't, or at least haven't, dated women, but obviously lying to your partner is messed up. But like you say, “by then their partner is too deep and can't leave” — it's not reasonable for women (I say this only because men who date men don't have this expectation) to expect their boyfriends to suppress their biological need to regularly masturbate (assuming their T is healthy). I'm not excusing the lying, I'm just imploring women to imagine what it would be like if someone for whom you were head over heels revealed that they viewed something totally innocuous as cheating.

  6. Yes I prefer the feeling I know thats kind of weird for a man to say that but I dont have to cum to be satified as long as she has Im satified.

  7. Maybe? Jk but seriously, life is too short to stay w someone who doesn’t respect you enough to give you the pleasure you deserve.

  8. You shouldnt do anything unless you are giving enthusiastic consent. As you are not feeling enthusiastic, then you should postpone that activity.

  9. don’t remember the exact sentence but it was something along the lines of “You’re boring, you don’t really do anything.” i think insecurity definitely does play a part in this but i do also want to do this for myself. thanks for the advice tho.

  10. Interesting. Do you know the name at all? How long before did they take it? I've got the spray, but can only spray so far.

  11. I love penetration as well especially when my husband’s penis gets so hard. The part when he also fills me up and the feeling of his warm cum inside me gaves me a lot of pleasure.

  12. Yeah this is probably over. Current sounds like a size queen and there's no coming back. If your ex boyfriend has a 10 inch pecker with the circumference of your forearm and current is working with two finger girth at best, that's it, it's a wrap. Oh, and yes it's revengeporn and illegal in most States.

  13. You have to find a way to convince current bf that he is the best and that you were put into positions with ex that you did not like. That evening is just the best in the world with current bf. He may need time to churn this out in his head. And tell him if size is a worry then if he was too small then you would have dumped him. Hope it turns out ok. Let us know

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  15. Again, take your time, and by that I mean go very slow, make sure you two are at the best possible in communicating and don't go where she doesn't want you to.

  16. Sorry, but no. “Caught up in feels” isn’t a valid excuse for nutting in someone without their consent.

  17. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  18. Lmao bro your tripping. What should you do you ask? Grow up you need to do. Enjoying time with people is what makes the world go round my friend. From. Your work colleagues, to the random u met at the park, your family, your partner etc. Are you a virgin? If so why tf you even asking this question lol don’t knock it till you try it. And if ur not a virgin asking this you need help my friend.

  19. I don't even know how you are writing this as a current BF and not an EX. Have some respect for yourself. Don't let him gaslight you. That situation is fucked six ways from Sunday, ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!! “Bf” was ready for someone to sexually assault you.

  20. It's more I enjoy getting touched but I tried sex it's not that enjoyable as watching it online i don't know why like I said I've only managed to cum a little bit the second time but I only cummed when she's was jerking me off because she wants to see if would work that way.

  21. Yeah absolutely. However having unprotected sex doesn't mean you gonna fall pregnant and contract an STD. Be an adult, have a conversation with the person you are sleeping with.

  22. So you think kidnapping, raping and impregnating a women is the right path? You need to seek help before you act on any of these impulses. This is a horrific mindset to have.

  23. Also getting it wet with your mouth and grabbing the shaft, working your hand up and down. Try not to rub all over the pee hole, with your hands though. That can be kinda sensitive for some guys.

  24. You would be correct if the question were the tire – it wasn’t, it was the car. See the problem with the analogy? Which was my point.

  25. Someone rightly pointed out the questions I asked were inappropriate. Apologies OP and thanks to whoever it was that stepped in. I didn't think about the fact I was talking to a minor.

  26. There's no way of knowing that from his write-up though, which is why I focussed on things he DID say, specifically how he doesn't believe her. You might be right in your assertion though, but if that's the case, I HAVE seen posts and comments from women on here who prefer and even specifically ONLY orgasm from PIV so, admittedly, that being a minority of women, he COULD find one of them, but his current girlfriend is NOT one of them.

  27. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about wanting some tips on new things to try. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily because it is a pretty common interest people have. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of you post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  28. I read your edit. That is quite a complicated thing. First of all, I’m very sorry that you got assaulted. I can’t even imagine how you feel and how it impacts your life. From reading everything I couldn’t make out if you told your BF the whole situation or if he only knows about the “penis gate”-situation. If he doesn’t know all of it maybe it’s a smart move to let him know. This way he could be on the same page as you and in hindsight your actions won’t appear as hurtful to him as they are now. If he knows about it, then I struggle to give a good advice about it. As a man I can relate to his feelings if it were JUST about his size, but in the context of the SA it seems ridiculous to me if he puts this above the absolute shitfest you are going through, because, even if it hurt him, this is absolutely not what it’s about. With knowing all the details on how and why this situation unfolded the way it did he should be caring for you and not about his ego. I don’t want to be mean, I just don’t know enough to give a good advice on this one

  29. If he can’t be open enough to toys, my hoo ha won’t be open for him. Insecure men aren’t my jam. This is not same as if he doesn’t have experience with them, that’s fine. He just has to be willing/open to the idea/learning/experimenting.

  30. Very normal. The feeling can range from having to pee to painful and anywhere in between. I tend ti be on the, it feels almost painful, side it

  31. That's really sweet and I hope I will be in the same situation when i have your age! He isn't really into masturbating. He only mentioned it twice so far and both times it was “I wanted sex when I could not have it but did not want to masturbate”. So this kind of came as a surprise today. He is more someone who really likes to have sex and if possible at least once a week. I guess today made him realise how long it actually has been. Yeah, I would not be ok with it if my face was in it. The rest…only me, him and my gyn know how I look down there so (don't have a better way of saying it) if the really slim chance of it going online happens no one should be able to track it down to me. It really is kind of sweet that he says it like that. I never had anyone find me attractive and though is compliments are a bit stupid most of the time, they are cute (we both are not good with giving and receiving them). By now he also said several times how much he likes my small breasts when he actually prefers bigger ones. I really hope it will develop more! I would really like to be official but at the same time don't want to loose him (I have fear of loosing people etc) so I try to balance it somehow and show I like him more🙈


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