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Bad girlnaked live sex chat

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24 thoughts on “Bad girlnaked live sex chat

  1. Omg I love the lotions from bath and body. One guy I dated said his bed smelled like me after I went home. And he missed me 🥰

  2. It's not stupid at all – if you focus on it for the right reasons. The real issue isn't so much that he did it with previous partners – we all learn and grow sexually as we get older, it could well be that those things he did with previous partners either didn't work, or they were specifically done for their pleasure as opposed to his, or he simply learned that he didn't enjoy them, which he is allowed to do. The issue is that YOU enjoy them and WANT those things and he won't give them to you. By obsessing over him doing them before you it makes it less about you and him and more about you competing with other random women. If you concentrate on the actual important matter – there are things you want in bed that your partner won't do – then you might have more of a result, even if it turns out that you are just fundamentally incompatible and need to separate; it'll still be a result and leave you free to meet a compatible partner.

  3. I once met a girl at a bar who was pretty plain to look at but she made me laugh and was smart and charming so as the night progressed i just had to have her. Never underestimate the power of a good personality.

  4. Menopause.. ok, here is the thing to remember, it’s a moving goal post that we never know how we will feel from minute to minute. The easiest way to explain is this: my brain is wired to run on estrogen. Right now, my estrogen is depleting and my brain is trying to figure out how to compensate. A hot flash? My brain is trying to figure out how to regulate my body temp with less estrogen. Brain fog? My brain is jello and my memory pathways are pissed off because they don’t have estrogen. (There’s a lot more to it, but that’s the basics) Libido can ebb and flow as our hormones are all over the place. It’s not just stopping periods, it’s an entire body change. Be kind to her, don’t stop flirting. Buy lube, she probably needs it. Caress her and love her. Be patient when she starts crying and believe her when she says she doesn’t know what’s going on.

  5. If a guy sent his gf a dick pic unsolicited without any type of conversation before hand we'd not be having this discussion. Insinuating that he's cheating because he didn't know what to say/how to react is ridiculous

  6. When my wife gets ticklish it generally means she's not turned on enough. It's almost always because she's in her head. Trick is to get them out of their head, but I don't have a go to solution for it. It helps a lot when the emotional connection is very solid.

  7. There's actually an sub for that, r/agegap. Discovered by accident, mostly good people in there (some creeps but mostly people sharing their experience and helpful).

  8. Never do that again. It's the fastest path to some of the nastiest infections, some of which will take you years to recover from.

  9. ok, you are not worth listening to. you are just an insecure bigot that doesnt respect your male partners if you have any. i get it if you personally don't like bdsm but your views are backwards. porn has problems in it but can be part of a normal and healthy relationship. Porn has literally existed since the dawn of our species. It isn't some abberiant thing that popped up in the 1950's, you are a young woman. young by definition means you don't have much experience so you are pretty much basing it on nothing. you are basically the female equivalant as an Andrew Tate fan when it comes to knowing anything about sex and relationships. OP, for the love of your pussy, don't listen to this teenage girl, she knows nothing and is just jaded from bad relationships. You really do want to talk to any young guy you give a chance about what they are doing wrong and ask them if there is anything you can do to make it better for them. Communication will make both of you better lovers and learning to communicate is worth the meh sex you might have.

  10. Talk and action are very different. It is one thing to say that you will respect someones boundaries and something very different to give up something you want for someone else. Not saying that this is the case, but also just saying.

  11. Toys are supplementary, they can be used to add to the experience. I'm able to get my partners off without them but I also enjoy incorporating them into it too.

  12. Damn. I mean… I feel where your SO is coming from. I would also always prefer a condom. But he is not wrong. Sex without a condom just brings a new depth of physical intimacy to many men, which we can’t really put into words or other action. I know, that there is a deeper psychological aspect of it, of 2 bodies being one (child in the warmth of its mother.. without making it weird.) But for many men consensual sex without a condom is just different. With that being said. If you‘re REALLY not comfortable with having raw sex regularly… Maybe find ways to communicate with him, how you two can bond emotionally other wise? Get to know some maybe other needs of him, that make him feel connected you. Make him feel special. I‘m not saying this is your task, but I know how you feel. Not wanting to disappoint but also feeling uncomfortable. But I’d ask you to NOT regret having raw sex with a partner you truly care for. Because now you‘ve experienced it And you know how close you two CAN be.

  13. I think you're both onto part of the equation. The higher threshold is an “arousal” threshold. That doesn't mean that you don't get aroused or that you don't want to get aroused by or that you don't like, enjoy the features of or love a particular woman you are with… or that you won't eventually be very aroused by all of those things by themselves while you are doing it. However, if someone had none be at all arousing, of those you would certainly not feel arousal from them and could only get aroused by the physical touch/some kind of fetish. Kinks, mental stimulation, etc, add in this way, because they add to the total arousal level. I imagine the cause to be a hormonal-nerve communication setting. Not strictly speaking a disorder far as I know, unless that is what it turn out to be for a particular person.

  14. Nope your way out of that. Tell him DIRECTLY but kindly that is doesn't work for you sexually but a friendship would be awesome. Then STOP SEEING OR TALKING TO HIM until he has a girlfriend. If you start a friendship before he starts getting laid again he's going to be a fucking immature pest. Speaking as a former immature pest that pretended to be okay with dropping down to friend status after the best sex I ever had but didn't give to her; I know how the pest brain works. 1st he'll be cool with it (and really believe that he is cool with it). Then he'll see you move on. You won't be as affectionate physically or emotionally. You won't make him a priority, because of course not, and he'll start getting salty about it. He'll getting snarky, sarcastic and passive aggressive and moody even though “nothing's wrong “. Etc, etc, etc. Giving him time to let his penis grieve and his brain to mature will do him a world of good and it will save having to tolerate a man-child's tantrums. Good luck.

  15. I figured my weight would help. I am not huge but it was enough for some extra padding. He is the old dog that I try to teach new tricks to. 😂 Sometimes, I am not the best when it comes to explaining.

  16. Regarding the two truths part… “you can't eat if you're full” isn't a good analogy. I personally can't orgasm more than once every four days or so. But that doesn't mean I have no interest in sex other than every four days. I'm fascinated with sex every day. And while I very much enjoy my wife's company, I don't spend every minute of every day with her, far from it. We're both rather quiet solitary people, so we spend about 2-3 hours a day together, and are off doing our own things the rest of the time. And those 2-3 hours a day are doing things like eating dinner, watching the news or a movie, working on the house, mundane but enjoyable stuff. We're very cuddly and physical even during all of that, but it isn't overtly sexual, until that fourth day when we get seriously naked. Meanwhile, during my alone time, I spend an hour or two a day on r/sex and viewing porn. How does she know I'm even thinking of her? She trusts me. I lavish her with attention when we are together and especially in bed. And in reality I most certainly am thinking of her and her alone when we're together. I don't fantasize about others when I'm with her, although I don't see any harm in doing that within reason. But for me there's no need. So that's how it works for us. But we still have the same connection we've always had, for 20 years now. There's never been a lack of sex between us, so I haven't had to handle it. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you, other than to recommend therapy (we have been to couple's and individual therapy and it really helped). You are clearly facing a real problem. I only offer our example as one of how porn and fantasy about others can be handled within a healthy relationship.


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