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9 thoughts on “Briannasex07naked live sex chat

  1. Are you looking to do something more than a quickie on Valentines day? If you did one, I'd go with one that's very sexual and not romantic at all.

  2. We don’t have to arrive perfectly, in a single moment, in any great relationship. It sounds like you course corrected and had a great conversation later. That’s really beautiful.

  3. A lot of guys can get super defensive about guidance re: sex stuff. It registers only as criticism of their failure, and they’ll just imagine it’s about how they’re built and feel inadequate. Tell him what you want, and if he gets stuck in that ego trap, call him on it and be clear you’re talking him through it because the problem is what he’s doing, not his dick.

  4. Double headed dildo. Ass to ass riding. Also standing face to face, tits touching, sensual making out while the dildo is inside both of you.

  5. Man there's a mental block going on or are you a smoker? Blood pressure issues? Heart issues? Blood sugar issues? And of course the number one question of any stimulants or alcohol involved every time you're trying to fuck thinking you're going to get hard because you know if there's a drug involved in narcotic or even alcohol it can go for years being the go to or making that thing work like the freaky deak of all freaky geeks and then out of the blue of backfires when you because it begins shutting your organs down so I've seen and her many people that will be a limbo thinking up with you and it's time to change it up that's just some of the options I could think of

  6. If you don't notice anything, you're probably healthy. You will notice the smell of bacterial vaginosis, and yeast infections don't even make you smell all the time. However, lately I have been noticing that my boyfriend's sperm makes my vagina smell bad, probably due to the imbalance it causes in my pH. If there is any smell and you guys aren't using condoms, this could be cause. Cranberry juice won't help that, you just have to wait. If he's so opposed on going down on you, why does he enjoy sleeping with you at all? Is he not focused on your pleasure?

  7. do you have toys? how are you mastubating, have you tried exploring different things… fingers does nothing for me, took time experimenting with toys and speed/position etc to feel good and get a result

  8. Might just be me then/how it reads to me. The inference being, “I don’t want to wait for sex and those that do don’t consider sex important/as important”. Not that I took it to be said or intended that harshly, as the comment I responded to was very measured and considerate but that is how the underlying meaning came across to me.


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