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5 thoughts on “Celebritycumms

  1. Ok. Hey, I've been thinking. I know I said some stuff in the heat of the moment, BUT, I have some feelings and worries I need to discuss with you. Here it goes: I feel like I want to please you, I want to have sex in a certain way …specify how you want sex…. However I am worried that…. Specify fears here. I would like to be open about my needs. I need….specify what you need. I need to feel safe, so please make sure that you get my consent for each individual act and check up on me at all times, ensure that it's enjoyable for me. Personal opinion: Porn makes people think they want rough, degrading sex. But in reality it's not that great. Connection, intimacy, sync give you the best feeling. Body and soul.

  2. That would definitely be a deal breaker for me. You're in a relationship with a child at this point. Apologises for being crass but he's treating your mouth as some random sock he can ejaculate in and pretend it doesn't exist. Very demeaning IMO. You're a human being and should be treated with respect.

  3. Unless there is more going on than what you have written, I would say that your jump to not being able to trust men might be a little bit extreme. From what you write, you already have a fair few issues that need addressing, which is understandable and unfortunate. You also say that you use sex as a way to “numb” yourself and that you go out and find a different man for this each time. Nothing is wrong with this approach, but if you are going to feel used by this most recent man, how do you know that any of the men you've been with before haven't felt the same way and used by you? You literally describe “using” men to help numb yourself to your OCD, depression and anxiety. It seems that the ONLY difference is that this new guy happened to be aware of your issues and wanted the sex to at least be enjoyable for you in some way, hence him asking if you were OK. The issue seems to be that once you were made to zone in on what was going on, you started to develop feelings. This is ALWAYS the risk with casual sex and hookups – sure many people CAN simply do it without any feelings at all, but many others cannot. Now you feel betrayed because part of you wanted more. Even though it was just a hookup, he still would have wanted to try to make it enjoyable for you. Perhaps dating and hooking up should not be your focus right now – the issues you describe are many, serious and in many ways VERY constricting. Are you in some kind of therapy or counselling at all? If not, perhaps you should be – again, not to appear like I am getting at you, but you describe feeling used and unable to trust men simply because ONE man tried to get you to actually engage with him in bed after you told him your issues – all the while, from your own words, you have been using men to numb your own troubled feelings. Yes, sure, many of the men you have “used” in the past may have thought it was no big deal because “hey, I had sex”, but there ARE men who might have thought it could have been the start of something – yes men like that DO exist, I am one of them – married 5 years to my second-ever sexual partner and in both cases, sex ONLY ever happened when there were feelings involved. Basically what I am saying is you need to explore your own feelings right now, take sex off the table – you have now seen that it is not healthy to simply use it as anaesthetic to your own troubled mind – and you are reducing the men you hook up with to nothing more than a tool for your own benefit, like you describe feeling now. Now is not the time to be involving anyone else in your life, you need to sort through your own feelings by yourself – I'd recommend therapy and possibly seeing your doctor about antidepressants to stabilise your mood. It's also well-documented that many antidepressants lower your sex drive, so this will also help you not always seek out casual sex. Feeling “numb” while experiencing an intimate act like sex is just not healthy.


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