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12 thoughts on “chantall-bluenaked live sex chat

  1. Coming from a female who had the hardest time “teaching” myself to orgasm, I wish I was you lmao. I think any man would be on top of the world to know they made you ORGASM from a KISS… If you tell him, it would probably just be a huge ego boost for him. If you don’t tell him, that’s okay- but find a back up story- don’t act weird, keep teasing/flirting because he’s prob anxious now that he did something wrong! But damn girl, I wish I could do that. You have a superpower lol

  2. It’s all about communication. You’re not going to be able to go anywhere without speaking with him. He doesn’t know your point of view, so him being selfish is out of the way. You should tell him that his breath is bad and even you saying that it doesn’t bother you, it is a dealbreaker. There is many thing that you guys could try, specially new positions that could possible turn you on again. Sex in a relationship is more about connection and not physical attraction. But don’t forget that there’s many things that could cause you to turn off and you should analyze if there’s anything that happens in between the act that causes you to lose the If you really want to improve your sexual life, you have to communicate with him. Your high sex drive could also be related to the high quantities of hormones in your body when you were a teenager. And if all that I mentioned doesn’t work, maybe a sex therapy? If he really loves you, you will be able to convince him to speak with a professional to improve your sexual experiences.

  3. You should break up immediately. He should have disclosed this from day one. He robbed you of the choice on if you want to risk this or not.

  4. My partner would walk over glass to save me an ounce of discomfort. Of course I wouldn’t let him. Please be careful and maybe evaluate other areas of your relationship. Does your partner lack empathy for you in other ways?

  5. Of course, it's not wrong to have that preference. The question is whether it's realistic. Women are attracted to good looks, confidence, charisma, and humour (not necessarily in that order), and then a sub-set of women are really attracted to money. So, if you are not good-looking, are you confident, charismatic, and/or funny? If not, definitely work on that. Unless you just want to try get getting rich and finding a trophy wife.

  6. But its different for autistic women, as long as a woman is attractive or average then it doesnt matter about her social skills. Men on the other hand are expected to approach, have social skills, be confident, read social cues etc

  7. Can you both go to a doctor together? What’s going on here Doc and how do we treat this effectively? She may have originally picked up something that is not responding to treatment.


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