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Citlalliinaked live sex chat

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8 thoughts on “Citlalliinaked live sex chat

  1. This can be true with certain partners, you can hit their cervix and it can be painful. Some partners have liked it, some hate it. One way to still do doggy is to slightly change your angle so you’re not going straight in. If you need a reference watch guys in porn do doggy…a lot of times they slightly angle to the side to show more of their dick to the camera and not just go straight in and out. Pretend you’re one of them and don’t strike your deepest and maybe you can get doggy back in your life.

  2. Sorry I might have reacted a little strongly. I work with a lot of dudes that think a woman on her period is the most disgusting thing on earth so it triggers me.

  3. As a woman, I think it feels way better. I hate saying that because I don’t think it’s an excuse to nix condoms (except when taking other BC ofc), and I’m very anxious myself so condoms give me more peace of mind but at the end of the day I’d much prefer it raw. Condoms also threw off my pH a little and always give it a weird smell down there. That said though, I’ve only been with one guy and he always bought regular Durex condoms. I’ve heard the Skyn ones are better and/or ones that are ultra thin. I’ve definitely considered trying those as a compromise for myself lol.

  4. It is cringey imo, it comes off like the person has been consuming too much hentai People mimicking cartoon behaviour in real life in general comes off very cringey.

  5. I'll be blunt: couples can find ways to compromise but 1-2x a month vs. 4-7x a week is too big of a divide to find middle ground over. You two simply aren't sexually compatible.


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