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Dannanaked live sex chat

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8 thoughts on “Dannanaked live sex chat

  1. I really appreciate your comment. Very true. I’m definitely jealous. That’s a very personal thing and that’s MY issue. Lol. I’m aware. Yet I’m human. Just like he is.

  2. Hydration is important and can certainly have something to do with it. It can be a lot of other things as well. Main thing is relax and give yourself permission to not be perfect. I'm not sure I agree w the porn “burnout” but I'm also not an expert. If getting off porn makes you feel better than go for it.

  3. People. Porn addiction can ruin relatonships and this is just another example of how it can hurt relationships. it affects both sides. the mental hang up shes having is that what shes watching in porn. triggers her arousal and her dopamine is now linked to it. 2-3 times or more a week is a habit and an addiction that can be hard to break but must be broken if people wish to continue having healthy relationships.

  4. Are you able to get a erection with porn? If you are then you probably have a porn addiction and may need therapy (its ok it happens a lot) if you don’t get an erection at all, not with porn or anyone then it could be an underlying medical reason so seeing a doctor would be a good idea.

  5. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a question about birth control or if you or someone else might be pregnant. These posts are not allowed. The topics are well covered by the PREGNANCY FAQ in general, and, if you're worried about a specific incident, no one can really know the likelihood that it resulted in pregnancy. You might also find the FIRST TIME HAVING SEX FAQ helpful as well. Also, please check the TOP POSTS FROM THE LAST DAY WEEK MONTH YEAR and ALL TIME. If your post was not asking if you or someone else might be pregnant or a generic question about birth control, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  6. I'd assume scented moisturizers are a bad idea and I think that's all that's in my house at the moment. Would a thin layer of Vaseline work too?


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