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4 thoughts on “ElenaKissnaked live sex chat

  1. Its a joke and she adores Me and I truly believe to be a more then caring boyfriend who does as Much as I can to make here feel loved And appreciated. Lol just because I’m down playing it in writing on Reddit Doesn’t mean I act in bad ways with here people, it’s just My way of writing things to make it more light, it’s not like I say to her it’s a hassle etc I literally told you guys I’m trying to make It the best experience for her so obviously I treat her amazing and she is really really happy and It went well btw! lol such hard asses . “She is a virgin have respect” Jesus we are chill people From Italy we are happy and she is super loved lol ahahahahah

  2. You are 18, how the fuck are you going to be single for the rest of your life just because you didn't get slapped on the butt by a nerdy teenager back in high school in some random park? Youngers are stupid, I can't handle it. Anyway, he just didn't care for you. He got some easy sex, enjoyed himself and left you. No, good sex has touching, mutual satisfaction, kind words etc. Don't do hookups, they suck and you now know it.

  3. Yes, it is kind of homophobia to consider receiving anal play as gay. But they have no problems with penetrating women anally, which must feel quite the same as penetrating another man. It's funny that giving isn't considered gay then. Because with a woman you got a choice where you can penetrate her. I sincerely hope we can all leave this prejudices behind us and just focus on sexual acts as “fun”, “not fun”, “I want this every time”, “I want this sometimes”,…


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