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78 thoughts on “emily-ceronnaked live sex chat

  1. I think this is a spiral between you two going downwards really fast, because of what each of you thinks and sees in the other. If I knew my GF wasnt down to anything and all of a sudden introduces it to our sexlife then I would be very distrustful to her actually enjoying it. Those thoughts would reflect in my facial expressions and my mood for sex which would probably cause her to not being in the mood, which I again would see and which would make it even more miserable and so on. I hope you get what I mean. Also for me the best sex with someone is with someone who is enthusiastic, so first: dont do things you dislike, because this leads to terrible sex Second he also should be more enthusiastic about getting you in the mood and everything else you said. So my suggestion would be to go to a therapist to hopefully find a common ground

  2. This is mistreatment plain and simple. There are still good men out here. You are being abused. If you can, you need to run. He's beyond asshole, sounds like he has a pathology. And honestly he sounds dangerous. You need to go as soon as you can.

  3. Same thing happened to me. Thankfully, and this is my suggestion, my partner lets me record while we are having sex. When she travels or not around I watch our own porn lol. As terrible as it could be for others to see, I find it super stimulating cause it also reminds me of the feeling in the moment it was recorded. Can’t masturbate to others porn anymore. I think age related maybe but also desensitize to regular porn. Good luck

  4. Don’t feel bad. Try to replace that undue remorse with the ick everytime he starts acting like a goofy little boy. Truly. It’s evident he’s a child that has yet to grow up and understand the way sex and a woman’s body works 🙄

  5. Yea, you’re wrong. Cuddle means cuddle. Not difficult. You could have responded “just cuddle, or more?” Then she probably would have said something like, “depends on how hard you try/let’s see if you can get me there/you have to help me catch up with you” OR, “yes, just cuddle”. So bizarre that you’re confused what she meant. The word means what it means.

  6. That's funny you mentioned quickies at parties, getting drunk nd not taking it seriously led to a tough situation lol

  7. Choking is extremely dangerous. Don't do this to yourself. You could damage your voice box, your trachea could collapse and you could suffocate, you could get brain damage from lack of oxygen, your compressed arteries could form an embolism which goes to the brain and gives you a stroke.

  8. It’s supposed to take about 3 months for your body to get used to it etc. I had mine for 8 months before I took it out because I got so depressed and it killed my will to live

  9. ”Hi.. thank you everyone seriously thank you. I don’t really know what to say but I appreciate all the support/love and help I have gotten. I have read everything. It’s not easy but this is what I needed to hear. I think I have heard enough, I’m leaving this relationship❤️”

  10. I would opt for flavored lubes, because yes we absolutely do taste it. If anything, buy water based or buy flavored. Otherwise, I would wash it off before letting it go near their mouth. It is a pretty unpleasant chemical taste.

  11. Maybe I should've mentioned this in the post but I actually have OCD and struggle with intrusive thoughts lmao, thank you for taking your time and writing all this, it really helps 🙂

  12. Welcome to the family brother. It's fine, it will probably make you feel better if you go look at the list of celebrities that are also part of this “club” From my experience most women don't care as long as you're honest and they're educated.

  13. Well, ok, but how did she react? You do need to talk to her to get the real answer. I mean, I think it's kinda irresponsible of her to do that without some kind of STI talk beforehand, but maybe that's just me.

  14. Since I haven't seen any educational info linked yet: to learn more about the different types of birth control. You could even pull up the website and ask her which one she has, and have a good conversation about why it's important to both of you not to get pregnant. And how you can support her by giving rides to/from appointments, helping pay for the birth control, and wearing a condom if needed. Condoms protect both of you from STIs too.

  15. No is no .. if he’s not respecting that he’s not “a bit rapey” .. he’s rapping I’m sorry this is happening to you, please take care of yourself and look for help if you need it (family planning, trusted friends/family members, etc)..

  16. Let me know if any of these fit her (True/False): She is more concerned about others than herself. She is ascetic (doesn't like to spend on herself or put much consideration toward her own comfort). She gets very sad or distant unpredictably for no obvious reason. She has somewhat “shaky” hands. She works/studies longer hours than necessary. She has trouble sleeping or is drowsy during the day. She doesn't like or “get” comedy. She doesn't feel confident even about things she seems very good at. She doesn't give herself enough credit. She is uncomfortable with “too much” praise.

  17. I mean if I could smell semen on them, that'd probably do it. I seriously doubt he did though, it's far more likely that he's insecure or projecting. But in the off chance that OP is being dishonest and actually IS cheating…oh man. Imagine your SO coming home and smelling someone else's bodily fluids. I'd lose my shit too, but like I said, the odds of this being the case seem pretty slim to me.

  18. There are online ones that do not require payment info. Also, there are A LOT of lewd games out there. It took me forever to figure out where they were all hiding. r/lewdgames is a nice place to start.

  19. No body is perfect. We all have things we would like to change but you have to love and respect yourself. Be confident in your beauty, guaranteed that a good number of guys would find you attractive, try to be easy on yourself. If these feelings persist see a psychologist.

  20. My girlfriend and I have talked about this and even though we’ve both said “yeah, that’s hot,” (in terms of either of us engaging in sexual acts while the other is asleep), I have come in late at night and definitely been dtf, but….I just couldn’t wake her up And the idea of having sex with her while she was asleep just made me feel gross. (My problem – lots of people do it consensually, and it’s fine! I just can’t). We have talked about it multiple times and I’ve even told her that some nights, it was moderately tempting, but that ultimately I just couldn’t. She (again) said ‘that would be hot’, but she also respects that it’s my boundary, accepts that it’s a thing that would make me feel bad, and loves me for walking through my relationship with her in a way that feels good to me.

  21. Yeah you're right. Unfortunately the truth is that it would take a lot of therapy to even start figuring out the OPs issue. She wants a simple answer and there is none. I'll shut up now, deleted.

  22. Well, it's a lot harder to find girls for a threesome than it is to find guys. Me and my fiancée aren't looking for guys but if we were we'd be using any other swinger/dating app and there are billions of options, billions..

  23. Indeed it is.. And the wildest part is how a completely normal person can be so wild in private. You never know how freaky the next person can be in bed. 😂😳

  24. Not cool. For one, it’s never helpful to tell someone to hurry up and cum. It’s only going to delay things. But telling you to hurry up after you just woke him up with a BJ? I could see if he was late for work or something but he was still rude af about it. Def not cool.

  25. I'm exactly the same. And I'm sure we're not alone. I always ask when someone is about to come to say my name. It always gets me there. It's just so personal and it really just makes me feel like we're connected more. Cheesy people unite lol

  26. F. Never. I don't think I've ever had a sexual thought about a random stranger. My thoughts stop at “wow, they're really attractive”. The thought of having sex with a stranger doesn't cross my mind and is not appealing to me.

  27. Try edging yourself, get used to controlling your own orgasm. But yeah consistency is the important, right pace, depth and angle are key.

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  29. Look are you sure he's not cheating again? The fact he seems to have no energy left for you especially on this date is really odd to me. I'd leave

  30. I say see a sex therapist and also make it clear to your husband that this needs to be fixed for the couple to work. Can you do this little sex for the rest of your life? If he truly loves you he will help you with the solution, even if it means going your separate ways (you mention divorce in the comments). I have been with my wife for 3.5 years. Our sex went from daily to 1-2 times a week, but it’s wild enough that that’s plenty for both of us. We have a pact though, that if one person no longer wants sex the other can see someone else (we are both experienced with polyamory and have already done that a little in this couple) because we love being with each other and are aware that libidos can change.

  31. Yes it’s frustrating , for us to get off when there’s only PIV happening at that point in time it needs angles and consistency with thrusts and how hard your going to how it gets us off . If that is constantly changing , it’s not as pleasurable .

  32. Yeah of course. While I enjoy a nice femboy, for me it's even hotter when something big and strong willingly submits. She's out there, I'm sure you'll one day live your dream.

  33. I understand. My partner developed severe allergies too. I don't kiss him often because I'm hesitant about making him sick. I remember a new years where we kissed at midnight and I was eating chips. He felt his heart racing, dizziness and tummy problems. We were at his parents and I couldn't brush my teeth. Now we spend it at home so I can brush before midnight.

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  35. I wouldn’t say that guys are clueless, just that there is risk in reading too much into an ambiguous hint, so we might fake being obtuse to avoid making it weird or creepy. Seems fairly low risk for you to be a bit direct here. Just invite him over to your place – that puts it in his head where it might go, and if he’s really not wanting it to go that way he’ll probably find an excuse not to. If he comes over, much easier to show your intention in person.

  36. Some people do enemas every time, some never. I never do an enema, and never will just for sex. I just clean thoroughly around and a little bit inside (with water, no soap!) and it's fine. It's pretty much always expected to have some amount of poop involved when doing anal, especially penetration. It's not a big deal.

  37. Sounds like “I don't want to have to do the work to make sure you're aroused” and it's not it. I'd stop seeing him.

  38. You simply state before the boundaries and the way you will communicate. If the other person fails to do this there is not much you can do

  39. Thats a can of worms. We do not have a good emotional connection. We do not communicate. I can’t talk to him about anything without him trying to tell me what to do or just shut down. We are in marriage counseling and he doesn’t yell as much but that’s about it

  40. If it is an embarrassment thing for her, maybe she could do an appointment over zoom or the phone? Those are pretty easy to do these days.

  41. Leave. NOW. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 – just ghost her. No explanations, no goodbyes. That's crazy you know what they say about crazy, right?

  42. I think as long as you hadn’t pooped right before your booty hole should have been clean lol but just ask him! I had sex with my friend for the first time yesterday, first thing this man does it turn me over and go straight for the booty, full face, really committed, I was like 😳 was not expecting it but surprisingly I loved it lmao

  43. I think it’s important to tell or show them what you like. If you’re masturbating and know how to make yourself cum, let your partner know what works. It’s uncommon for women to cum only through vaginal intercourse, but it is certainly your partners job to make sure that you are satisfied and cumming in whatever way gets you there if that what you want. That might mean getting you to orgasm through foreplay before actual sex even starts. I find if I cum during foreplay, intercourse is more pleasurable anyway. You’re new to sex, ya gotta experiment to see what gets you there. Good luck and be safe!

  44. Top three was the lamp, one time I got out a chairs leg who gave the patient splinters, wasn’t hard to take out but it was traumatic for the patient who was experiencing some really bad pains, the worst one has to be a molded carrot who had rotten into the poor patient body for days, the smell was unexplainable

  45. I‘m familiar with subdrop, but why is this related to it in this case? There was no mention of a power exchange between a dominant part and a submissive part here.

  46. Just like you want to thrust deeper than possible (because you get stopped by her ass cheeks or whatever) and you want to fill her up more than you can, because your dick can only swell so much, you still want to feel as big as possible for her and thrust her as deep as you can when you're really in the moment, a woman will want the same. Your “I want to fill” is “I want to be filled” if that makes sense, so yes, when she's incredibly horny and close to orgasming she does want a bigger dick, but so do you, it's not like you can change it anyway so stop thinking about it.

  47. Well…if he cares about YOUR pleasure so much, why don't YOU take the reins with regard to his? Make your relationship mutually giving.

  48. I wouldn’t worry too much from what you’ve written. Teen is an unfortunate porn category just like incest, but I don’t think this signifies that the viewer is desiring that in real life. It sounds like he listened to your concern and will make the effort to not engage with this category which is great.

  49. As I mentioned it's a direction. You're specifying an action. It represents a preference for something… it's about “asking for” something different, compared to saying “yes or no” to it.. “Higher”… doesn't mean you're “not consenting” to “lower”… “Consent” should not be a word that is misused..

  50. Penetration isn't the only thing, but it's a big thing. Probably the biggest thing. I have a hard time imagining why it's been taken from the menu. I guess there are birth control considerations . . . non-penetrative activity doesn't make babies the way penetration does. As long as it wasn't a permanent prohibition, I could tolerate it, but I'd want to know (and understand) why.

  51. Thanks for your reply!! Interesting! I guess I’ve never really understood what sex actually is and what it can be. He 100% wants penetrative sex and I’m not against it exactly, just need a little more time to consider what it means for both of us. He is ridiculously good at asking for consent and checking I’m okay, he’s very sweet. Yeah I guess I am asking if it’s cruel for me to get him worked up but ultimately not give him what he really wants (PIV). The boundaries are definitely shifting, yesterday they shifted quite a lot. I’m cool with that though. That makes sense. I will probably ask him to try the condoms, I’m happy to try different kinds until we find the one that works for both us. I want us both to be safe and I am confident he is as sex is something he very much enjoys and wants me to enjoy. I will check how long ago he got tested as well. Thank you so much for this reply, it’s been very helpful!!


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