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FranceskaLovianaked live sex chat

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9 thoughts on “FranceskaLovianaked live sex chat

  1. Don't go there again .. what she has done is wrong! Your underage .. she's the adult!! .. she has groomed u from what you are saying .. you have your whole life ahead of you .. u should be dating girls your age .. not 20yr olds ! .. what would your parents say if they found out? This women has manipulated you … I hope you used protection that 1 time .. do you really wanna be a dad at 14???

  2. Not everyone can decipher or decode these questions to arrive at what their partner is 'actually asking'. Yes, your partner should be supportive and genuinely like you as you are. However, your partner can't fix your insecurities so don't point it out and ask leading questions that can lead to answers that you aren't prepared to hear in the first place.

  3. As a girl who shaved everything for decades I recently did a no shave November with a friend and realized I liked a lil hair down there now. I don’t recommend doing that unless you really really want to.

  4. It's great you can recognize when things get unhealthy and when to end things–i am so bad with this! I definitely sympathize with the potential of catching feelings and that emotional drop. All too common for me sometimes. I don't mind answering at all! I kind of have worked through how I feel about sex, but the trauma sometimes shadows it.. like I get flashbacks sometimes of the trauma depending on if it's related to what we're doing, talking about, or how they're acting. I've gotten past this by being overly selective in who I have sex with. I've had some intense making out sessions and heavy petting where the guy wanted to take my pants off and was looking at me for confirmation, and I couldn't utter a word. I was scared to say yes or no, almost like I just froze up unknowingly. I quickly excused myself to the bathroom or took a 'water break' and tried to ease out of the situation. Maybe not the healthiest way of communication on my end haha. I think I realize now If it isn't a clear yes for me, then it's a no! I'm not sure If it's the same with you, but I guess enthusiastic consent should go both ways–ESPECIALLY for yourself. Now I understand sometimes it can be instinct to say no because of anxiety! Even now I'm kind of scared to get back into the scene. May I ask how you got into your local kink scene and made friends? I want to do this as well!! I think it's a good foundation too. I believe you will get through this! I've even kinda said to new potential partners “look, I'm interested but have some sexual trauma and need to go slow” It is definitely hard to build that trust with people though.

  5. What a dickhead. Leave him asap. He is an asshole and you shouldn't be wasting any time on him. Also, take action if you need to prosecute him.


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