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19 thoughts on “frankiemoahnaked live sex chat

  1. Well, you have your answer, your culture and your individuality are not confirming. You have to decide what's more important for you, adhering to your culture or your personality. Also, culture is not written in stone, it's always a matter of living through and reinterpretation, of change too, just like you could do it now. In parallel to solving matters of personal happiness, also consider if you'd like to put some effort in changing culture that prevents individual happiness for no good reason.

  2. This asshole doesn’t deserve the time of day. Stop wasting any more time or effort on him and make plans to go.

  3. LMFAO It really is though 😭 Ive taken every 6 months since I was like, 16-17, I have made every single person in my friend group take the damn test one by one, I now host testing parties at 21 which consists of getting the poison of choice, typically alchohol, and then taking the test as a group and betting on each person's changed answers 🤣

  4. Report the ex. Revenge porn is a crime. Be blunt and direct with the new BF. Most guys are sensitive yes, but respond best to direct communication. Don't act like worried about what he thinks, just saythat you are, and why.Dont mae it sound like he is wrong for being concerne, just make it clear that there really is nothing to be concert about. If you can directly explain it to him the way you did on here, without the anxious overtone, it should be well received. Also, follow it up with a bj. Don't ask if he wants it, just begin going after it enthusiastically. Make it clear the time he wastes worrying over what he saw, is time better spent defining new levels of pleasure with you.

  5. Even if you're both virgins, best to be on the safe side and get tested first. And then you can do bareback anal, so good, as well as the feeling of cum inside you, and then it just oozes out, mmm. And yeah, make sure she douches beforehand and yous are using a decent water-based lube. Enjoy!

  6. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  7. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  8. It's great to express your emotions during sex. You're also showing him how much you like him and how happy you are. I think some guys believe sex must be serious and intense, and that expressing joy can be counter to that. In my opinion, being enthusiastic and letting your happiness be visible heightens arousal. I like knowing when my partner is enjoying himself! I think people (women especially) sometimes self-objectify and try to make themselves make sexy facial expressions.. Maybe he hasn't been with someone who lets their feelings shine through.

  9. Actually youre right. i didnt communicate well lol i said this based on the way i interpreted OPs post which was that these women and him dont know each other all that well yet. 'Do what you want' absolutely can be part of safe, sane play. But only after theres already some understanding between all parties involved. That kind of broad and open ended directive isnt safe or sane without previously established boundaries in place. Thats a pushing against soft boundaries kind of phrase. And youre 100% correct there absolutely are many non verbal forms of communication that are imperative to having a good time

  10. I really loved mine. And so did everyone else that got to play with them or just asked to see them. Definitely made my nipples more sensitive in a very arousing way. I took them out for an MRI and never put them back in. One of the 4 spots never seemed to want to heal right.

  11. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a post seeking a partner for explicit chat or hooking up. These posts are not allowed. If your post was not actually a “personals” post, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  12. One thing I might add, from a male perspective is that feeling desired goes a long way too. I mean, us men hopefully understand that not every time we want sex that our partner is going to just poof! and be instantly in the mood. Sometimes that happens, but sometimes it doesn't. But little things that make him feel wanted, and that the anticipation will lead to a mutual pleasurable experience goes a long, long way. It is important to note that doesn't mean playing the endless tease game, but you sound like a mature person and you knew that. No one, man or woman, wants to spend all day getting hotted up for the evening, and it just fizzles to nothing. And it doesn't have to be a huge, showy display or anything, as everyone's relationship dynamic is different. Like take me and my wife for example. Sometimes I have to fly out of state for work, and she always asks makes sure that remind me that I can change my flight time up to 24 hours before departure if I fly United. And that's basically saying, “I'm horny, so change your flight time if you can.” Little things, little things…..

  13. Freedom of action doesn't mean freedom from consequences. As much as it's your right to back out, that does not mean he won't be disappointed and won't lose trust in you. You should have been clear and honest from the get go instead of going for a bluff smartass reply.

  14. This is not your fault. He knew you were drunk. You clarified your boundaries before hand and he still violated you. For the record, he doesn't get to determine what is and isn't sex by him not coming. He also knew you would not consent to unprotected sex. I am so sorry OP. You need to get and stay away from him. He is not safe and he only cares about himself. As others have said you need to get a plan B, tested, and report the rape.

  15. She's your first, but probably not your last. That's usually how it goes, man. With every end, there's always a beginning. As much as it hurts, most of us have been there, moved on, and survived. Don't waste your time while there are endless possibilities out there for you.


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