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2 thoughts on “harperharperrnaked live sex chat

  1. Lmao 100%. I knew way more at 14 than this dude does at “22”. Which is why I brought up his age. I don’t understand how it’s possible to live for 22 years and not understand even the fundamentals of sex. I could maybe get it if OP was a lot younger, but even then it’s a stretch. Honestly at this point I’m guessing OP is a troll.

  2. One important think is to consider that being a sexual sadist isn't ALL that you are. It's just one aspect. I'm a sadist too and have happy and health sexual relationship with my wife that doesn't involve sadism at all (well 99% of the time lol). It is also possible to enjoy it in reality when properly educated and with an enthusiastically consenting partner (which for me, is the other 1%). They're pretty common fantasies and there are people who fantasise about being on the other side of the equation too. It's also perfectly fine to have fantasies that you will never carry out, it's just a fantasy and it s what an imagination is for. The reasons for such thought can be wide and varied, but generally fall under power/control desires/issues, but fantasies change over time and so do our reasons for them. What you've described is not particularly unusual, the fact that you're worrying about the ethics of it is a good thing. Read up on BDSM and sexual psychology, do some self reflection as to whether it actually matters or is just something to masturbate to. If you decide it's something you're actually interested there's BDSM subs on Reddit, entire websites dedicated to such things, local groups, clubs and dating apps, plus hundreds of books etc


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