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14 thoughts on “kamillasweetnaked live sex chat

  1. If you're both enthusiastic about doing it, have discussed it in detail and agreed to try it out, hot but not always practical. Like… I've got an agreement in place with my bf where we're both really into being woken up with sex, but with the understanding that anything before 9am is just rude and unwanted. It's a weekend thing for us. We're m/f, early forties. If the answer to anything listed above is not an enthusiastic “yes!”, Imma go with “sounds problematic and potentially rapey.” Also, consent once isn't consent forever– if somebody changes their mind or feels at all unsure about it, you don't go there and you most certainly should NOT push. A good time is only a good time when everyone involved wants it.

  2. I feel sad. It's a few guys, so maybe it applies to everyone? it just hurts. Why should they sleep with us? if they think so? sorry for this reaction..

  3. I have been hearing it a lot from a podcast called Bonfire. Apparently they call this the “lifestyle” and as others have said pineapples and pineapple imagery is part of it. Some people even put a pineapple on their shopping carts to let people know they are swingers.

  4. Sorry, that made me chuckle. I instantly thought about “Shallow Hal”. I do understand the point you are making.

  5. One thing I did not want to put in the main post was we went to marriage counseling 2 years ago. I was drinking daily due to covid and work stress. She thought I was drinking too much so I quit cold. It's been 18 months and I look and feel better. She continues to drink but not often. Last night at the strip club, it was BYOB, she has a small soft cooler of mixed drinks in cans. I kept telling her I wanted to go and she got mad and said I needed to stop being so uptight. Then she put one of her drinks in front of me and said maybe this will loosen you up. I declined as I am not giving up 18 months for a shitty mixed drink from a can at a Strip Club. I am kind of embarrassed to tell people about this as I think it is pretty shitty and she is not a shitty person.

  6. The potential problem would be if he uses it prone. Masturbation in a prone position can lead to the ability to have sex later in life.

  7. Okay, well ,I don't know why I sometimes think I would have to be the “nice and cool” girlfriend. Some guys accuse women as “overdramatic” when they complain about stuff.. I don't know


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