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7 thoughts on “keelybunnynaked live sex chat

  1. First, do the revenge porn legal stuff everyone else is suggesting. Your ex deserves it and should be deterred from doing this to any future partner that you may now have to find because of how it’s affecting your current one. Second, just show him this post. This isn’t a funk and you shouldn’t dismiss it as such. It is likely his worst sexual fear realised and manifested with a woman who he was probably considering spending the rest of his life with and may not be unable to because of her sexual history. To be frank this is probably most men’s worst sexual fear and there is every chance that he will never be able to truly move past this. Seeing the woman you love praise a former lover sexually, (especially a man with physically “superior” manhood) for something that he will never be able to give her (even if it was just an act to fulfil that excess kink,) is absolutely soul crushing. I’m trying to think of an equivalent for a woman, but because I’m not one I might be missing the mark. Imagine if you were flat chested & saw videos of him worshipping a former lover’s large natural breasts, or remarking on how tight she was down there in a way that you just clearly couldn’t match. Or to give a non-sexual example imagine if he told you he loved you but he just thought/felt that an ex of his would’ve made a better mother to his children. My point is that this particular incident has likely struck at the very core of his self identity and self perception. He may never be able to disassociate you from your sexual history now that he has had it burned into his memory. On the bright side he clearly cares about you deeply otherwise this wouldn’t have affected him so much. Unfortunately that just makes it all the more difficult to overcome. I hope you told him he was the best you ever had before he saw these videos so that you have previous examples to draw upon when you insist that he is a better lover than your ex ever was. Good luck and remember to take your ex to the cleaners, he is a piece of shit for this.

  2. At this point it feels like women having a story of hormonal birth control not murdering their libido is an exception. Not much you can really do if that's what she wants to take, explore non-hormonal or use barrier protection if she's up for it.


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