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74 thoughts on “Laiiasnaked live sex chat

  1. I'll tell you right now if I found out that anyone was going through my history in my phone, it would be over anyway.

  2. For me, slut energy is all about doing things to feel good about myself. Lingerie I feel sexy in, take photos of myself and look at them,reminding myself that I am a sexual person and there is no shame in that. Don't slut shame yourself ever. You've found someone to explore this with and that's so exciting! Concentrate on feeling good and be self indulgent, whatever it takes to feel powerful and proud of your sexuality.

  3. It is very true, but also aria to enjoy more of me, I like that they see me that they speak to me and be very flirtatious and I think that in that means I can do it without it touching me or habo

  4. Definitely see about Valium. I was told the Valium relaxes the cervix and makes it easier to insert the IUD. Also, see a midwife for insertion (I love midwives) they seem more knowledgeable. It felt like taking q tip to my eyeball….the insertion sensation…it was a bit uncomfortable but not really painful.

  5. Demorei um tempão pra perceber que postei em português. Sou muito idiota mesmo. Só pode. O texto era grande demais, tô com preguiça de escrever tudo lá de novo. Vou deixar pra lá

  6. This right here. Clear cominication about consent. If she's not willing to listen that's a very toxic and dangerous relationship you'd be choosing

  7. I (f) only ever get turned on by my partner. There are a few celebrities I think are attractive (and they are not conventionally attractive) but that’s it.

  8. Mm make ur boundries set up, bring ur own condoms cus u never know, u cant even micro manage plan b pills(i had a guy friend whos gf threw the pill right up after. So maybe dont be with someone like that but definitely talk to her and tell her ur feelings about the situation

  9. No one is a born natural! Get in your head that you want to have a fun time. In the moment suprime tell him you'd like to give x or y a try. Enthousiasm is the most important factor!

  10. Yes, all of that is true. And presented with a group of people, of course there’ll be those to whom there is a natural attraction, and others to whom there isn’t. But there is also something deeper, a physical attraction that is based on more than that. Maybe you haven’t experienced it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  11. Did anyone confirm those 2 posts are the same people? The stories don't really match. He said he tried to hide it, the other story he announced it, fairly proudly.

  12. When you are alone with her sometime, randomly grab her and tell her you want to taste her. Give her oral. Tell her how sexy she is to you and how much you want her. In my experience of more than 30 years married this works and I would be very surprised if it’s not reciprocated—maybe not the first couple times—but soon! Also random compliments and quick kisses throughout the day really help.

  13. The clubs are not what you think. They are a bunch of people chatting and wearing sexy clothing. Most have a large playroom with several beds where you can have sex and others may be around to watch. You can also just touch and play a little outside of the playrooms. BJ is allowed pretty much anywhere as well as some simple exposure or fingering. Research the club and find one that only allows couples or single F in, that keeps the guys from being able to stand around jerking off. It really is a simple and fun way to have a sexy night, even if you just go, chat and meet people, there is no pressure to do anything at a club.

  14. Embrace trying new things with new partners, be honest, enthusiastic and ask to learn and for feedback. Read lots, watch some porn for ideas, practice things without a partner eg potential positions, and most of all enjoy. Do some reading on sex positive, disgust reflex and on the power of the words you chose. Avoid words and thoughts that trigger disgust reflex and use words that empower you and your journey. Remember its ok to have lots of room for improvement as long as you are an enthusiastic learner. Enthusiasm and using the right words about yourself and your life experiences really is very powerful. Embrace your sexuality as something to be enjoyed.

  15. Thanks for the information? I'm not sexually active as of right now, but if the time arrives I'll definitely use this for later.

  16. I'd be ok if the top comment was “see a relationship counsellor”. But 1000+ votes for “cheating is a dealbreaker” when it was five years ago and clearly just a one off experiement? anyone can see that's fucked up.

  17. Well i didn't really mind it since he had fun with me in the end and it got him going. But i know a lot of woman think otherwise in that regard, which is why I labeled it at unethical😋 If it helps you it's fine, just don't moan another woman's name during sex😋

  18. I enjoy giving it to her primarily because I see the way it turns her on but there certainly is a small part of me enjoying it as well. If I ever thought she didn't enjoy it and she asked me to stop, would I miss it? Absolutely not.

  19. My cousin who went into the military said it's a cesspool and there is a zero percent chance that the women who go in there in a relationship, stay faithful OR leave in the same relationship they come in with. He legit said that he saw some chick, EASILY, getting “friendly” with a different dude for 2 straight weeks. I'm not judging though. do your thang. just holy not for me.

  20. She is cheating on you with one of the guys from basic, she won't have sex with you because that would be cheating on her new guy. She wants you to break up with her so you will be the bad guy.

  21. Say this: “Stop! You have violated the Law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentance. Your stolen goods are now forfeit”

  22. im guessing he could either be gay or have low testosterone levels, this can be caused by dehydration, inactivity, stress, lack of nutrition, try to get him into a healthier lifestyle, if that fails, consider separation.

  23. She's said herself that he satisfies her in other ways so that doesn't sound like the issue. The fact that she doesn't find mutual pleasure in piv sex would definitely be a dealbreaker for me.

  24. Have you tried taking more control in bed? Don’t let him get more aroused than you. Tell him what to do to get you close then ride him home and if he has any sense he’ll want you to cum with him every time.

  25. Quit porn and stop jacking off. If you’re not used to having sex, it can take some experience to get used to the act – ie; if you’re used to your hand, it can feel different to a vagina and thrusting, etc. You can pop a viagra so you’ll get a boner and then get used to the sensation of fucking. Often that takes care of the issue. Long-term though, get off the porn.

  26. Your partner is lazy. Me and my partner both take turns being on top or bottom. That way we both can take breaks so it doesn't seem like one of us is doing all of the work. It works for us!

  27. Absolutely necessary: condoms, with other additional protection recommended Also necessary: communication, you’ll both be nervous, don’t be afraid to talk with each other about what you’re feeling, even if it means deciding to wait a while Probably a good idea: lube

  28. Your not compatible and that is fine, everyone has their boundaries for their own reasons. Very few will change or break those boundaries for someone else. It doesn't make either of you bad or not right. People have preferences in one way or another and the goal is to find those you click with and are compatible. Be respectful towards his boundaries and make it know that things won't work as you both have different needs and wants. Don't play the game of seeing if someone will break those boundaries as with what you said, it creates problems.

  29. Dec 14 I had a vasectomy after being married 20 years with 3 kids. Haven’t healed enough yet for sex- but I hope 2023 opens up my marriage for regular boning (3-4x per week) without pills or contraceptives. Dealing with an an enlarged prostate so shrinking that and dealing with bladder fullness and spontinaity is key.

  30. the thought of one’s girlfriend kissing another girl is easier to digest compared to thinking of her being repeatedly penetrated by another man

  31. Because most men see women as possessions and try to control them all the time. Jealousy, anger, insecurity, impatience, guilt-trips…….all tools used to keep a woman under his thumb, once he's “landed her”. Might be a bit of a biological instinct, to try and keep OTHER men from impregnating her, and even when they aren't trying to, he can't resist that overwhelming instinct to dominate her.

  32. Obviously we should not take advantage of people who are only doing sex work out of desperation, because their options are to consent or starve, so that is not truly “consent”. On the other hand, there are also sex workers who have considered various career options and chosen to be sex workers, or who just want extra money in addition to the money they are earning elsewhere. Depending on where you live, the first or second type may be more common and I think this heavily influences how people feel about sex work.

  33. I never said all healthy relationships don’t ask for constant consent. But i did say plenty don’t. And they are still healthy. And part of communication and trust is communicating blanket consent is on the table and trusting that your partner will speak up and put a stop to anything they are not enjoying in the moment.

  34. Blindfold her. Put some headphones on her. Play audio of a couple having sex. Yes, she isn't “doing” anything but she won't care.

  35. I'm not judging but this will help, there is a reason porn exists for one, and if you're going to be a father soon it is going to be your best bet for the first 3 years of the relationship after the kid is born. Get used to going more than half of you without sex with her anyways, aside from that do your best to help nurture and take care of her while she goes through this nine month pregnancy. Other than that as long as you aren't texting and getting responses from real people but can't be considered cheating

  36. Just to put my opinion in context, I am a 56M, my wife is 48F. We fucked 36 times in January, that's normal for us at least once or twice a day sometimes three times. If you look at the numbers we are way off the charts for our age, but who cares? We both like to fuck so we just do it. She also has dozens of orgasms every time, which is really weird but that's ok we're having fun.

  37. It’s your first time so it may have been a little awkward, plus there may be the potential issue of lack of sexual comparability with the dude. I’d say try it a couple more times maybe with someone who’s a bit more experienced and if you don’t like it you don’t like it. Think about what turns you on about girls is it the sensuality, do you like getting eaten out more, is there more foreplay? Take the answer to that question and try and play that out with a dude.

  38. Hi! If you are dedicated to your partner and want to pleasure her there are other things you can do aside from just oral sex and penetration. If she likes preforming oral on you, let her continue to do so. In return you can give her a great orgasm doing things other than oral! Some examples for you are outercourse (rub your dick against her pussy and clit. You can do this in different position; missionary, doggy, cowgirl etc). Rub her clit with your hand and include nipple play to increase the pleasure. Rub her clit with your hand and include some sort of anal play to increase the pleasure (doesn’t have to be any sort of penetration). Use a vibrator on her! These are all just ideas, don’t try them if you are uncomfortable and talk to her first before trying any!

  39. Consider talking to a therapist. There is very good evidence for treating phobias through desensitization therapy. Basically you figure out what you are comfortable with, and slowly pushing the boundary. So for example someone across the room might show you a cup with sperm. And then next session they might be closer. Until eventually you hold the cup. And then eventually you would have physical intimacy with a person, and physically come in contact with it. The nature of it being sperm complicates it slightly, but you get the general idea.

  40. My advice is to get on foolproof birth control. Both of you are new to sex, so it is inevitable that you will make mistakes with using condoms, and it’s also likely you would forget to take a birth control pill at the same time every day. Both condoms and the pill are less than 90% affective when not used perfectly so this is important. What I did when I was in your position was getting a semi-permanent form of birth control. The most common are IUD’s and the nexplanon arm implant. I got the implant because it is the most affective form of birth control at over 99.5% effective, and since it is an implant it is 100% foolproof. If pregnancy is a concern for you, I strongly advise using a contraceptive method that is less prone to user error than condoms, the pill, or the pull out method.

  41. Yeah if he can get with a lot of women, why would he neg her? Its sus. He probably hasn’t been with that many women as he says.

  42. Still, he must've noticed. I use multiple condoms all the time and it would be unthinkable not to notice that it's missing while putting on a fresh one.


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