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lauren22hammelton chat

80 thoughts on “lauren24hammelton

  1. Well, you gotta take a deep dive in your mind and heart and decide if you willing to accept him being selfish and not listening to your needs. You love him but does he love you back? Does he care when you tell him this affects your relationship? Is he willing to compromise on this? Or does he only care for what he wants and enjoys?

  2. Seriously? Any man with half a brain in this situation would understand that his girlfriend didn’t actually want advice on how to look like other women, she wanted him to tell her that she’s beautiful just the way she is.

  3. He might have not been fully paying attention and said that thinking she was really thinking of trying to get one. I don't know him, her or their dynamic but If she likes him she needs to tell him how she feels on subject and have a conversation

  4. Lol if you think it needs to be perfect and mindblowing every time, you're gonna have a bad time. Everyone has meh sex sometimes. Thats fine, great even, you even addressed it afterwards which is great but not even needed every time its like that. We all have our stresses, life complications, songs stuck in our heads, insecurities, toe slivers, and financial issues that can distract us and our bodies from having the most perfect sex every time. No biggie.

  5. Well, for one thing, porn isn’t meant to be real; it’s meant to be entertaining and arousing. Porn isn’t an accurate depiction of sex, in the same way that the Fast & the Furious movies aren’t an accurate depiction of driving, but both can be enjoyable anyway. But also, mainstream lesbian porn is predominantly made to appeal to a straight male audience, so it depicts the things that they tend to want to see, more than it depicts the things that lesbians actually do or that many queer women would want to see.

  6. I saw a new sex toy thats a dildo that moves back and forth. So its penetrating on its own essentially. Do you think that would help? If its just the act of penetration rather than the attention of a guy.

  7. I wouldn’t worry about the label. Just enjoy your fantasy. Bonus points if your wife enjoys it. Even if she doesn’t want to do it for real, she may be open to roleplaying it with a dildo. I got hung up on labels for years. Then I got all worked up in my head and was afraid to share the fantasy with my wife. She always knew I was holding back. I was afraid she would be upset or think I’m weird. When I finally told her, it was such a relief. She ain’t into my fantasies completely, but she was very accepting of them.

  8. She should leave him. Let him find someone who doesn’t care. Imagine being so entitled you think you can change someone’s dick size or encourage them to.

  9. Would I accept one – yes, depending on the vibe I’m getting from the girl (I.e. if I’ve seen her kissing multiple dudes at the club, and those dudes looking very, ‘low-effort’, for the lack of a better word, then in the first place I would probably not consider even taking her, but if I do find her attractive and she did that then I would more than likely wear a condom anyways, even for the blowjob, but ideally no condom if I don’t think she fucks everyone off of the street). Sex wise condom 100%, even if it’s a long term girlfriend. I ain’t risking a pregnancy and having something out of my control. I am aware that condoms don’t give 100% certainty/protection. And also, just for anyone reading this – yes, I am a hypocrite, I would want a blowjob and not give oral on a ONS/FWB.

  10. As someone who swallows, I don't find it demeaning/gross at all. Submissive, yes, but not demeaning. The guys that want a woman to swallow are maybe just not into dicks? I don't want to go down on a vagina, but I still want my husband to do it to me.

  11. Stroke his clock while you suck his dock. Your mouth should follow your hand so your mouth is lubing and dropping and stroking. No teeth ever!! Lightly caress and play with the balls.

  12. Fr i don’t think most people would react well to being surprised by that, feeling like they’re not enough to get the person off/their parter would prefer someone else, but if she does know about the porn watching while the blindfold is on then that’s good 🙂

  13. Hair is genetic and genetics are random, to an extent. The average Italian woman has more hair, but that doesn't mean every Italian woman is hairy. My wife has more and thicker hair than me. I have no problem with it.

  14. If you practice basically no caution whatsoever that sounds about right. Utilize a basic Post Cycle Therapy and at worst your sex drive will go back to whatever it was as at your natural test level.

  15. I'm really bad at the role playing aspect but being chased down seems really fun so I'd like to try that out. Unfortunately, I can't do that when we both live with our parents and don't have the money atm to rent an apartment (which is what we would normally do) but thanks for the idea, definitely something I wouldn't mind trying. For the sleeping aspect I guess it's more real in a sense. I don't know when it's going to happen or how, it's kinda exciting in that way. I understand it's difficult to imagine since I wouldn't get any pleasure. However it would be an experiment and If I don't enjoy it, we just won't ever do it again.

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  17. This will almost certainly have to remain a fantasy. The only realistic way you would ever fulfill this fantasy would be for you to pay sex workers, as you're just not going to fun a bunch of women willing to line up to peg you one after another. As such, the shame or discomfort is really academic, as you're never going to have to deal with it.

  18. I like when my bf is next to me laying down kissing my neck and stroking my tits. I know he’s watching but I can do my thing and not feel as observed. Plus if u wear a blindfold while doing this you can not focus on making it a show

  19. Yes penis to butt then vagina is a recipe for a UTI. My recommendation is buy some cranberry juice or pills and start taking it everyday starting now.

  20. Reading you comments, I think the best conclusion is that it doesn’t matter. You have hurt feelings. You are no longer with her. A good takeaway, as is a good takeaway for most things in life, is that you are not special. You a person fulfilling a role for someone else, and how well you do is exactly shaped to how neatly you fit that expectation. As for “reality” it sounds like your pride in your prowess had a negative effect on her (since she was making herself O) and on you (you feel hurt that she says it was more about her mindset). I believe orgasms is about mindset. Technique is best to be coached toward what your mindset wants. The “skilled lover” is likely more about being with someone who likes the partnership aspect of sex.

  21. Trim it and explain him that it is the max you can do. Maybe it shows some efforts too and it saves you from the pain too.

  22. Don’t order sex toys from Amazon, many are not body sage materials but are advertised as such. It’s a real bad idea

  23. “Teasing me for having boundaries isn't gonna make me wanna do it more. You're half joking but I'm being serious, doing that makes me feel uncomfortable.”

  24. Yeah it's pretty normal, especially as we get older. Sometimes we need direct stimulation to keep it up, no matter how turned on we are or how much we're enjoying what we're doing. Sometimes we're so focused on what we're doing that we aren't even thinking about that, which can have an impact.

  25. Ah yes, the dreaded little tap. Just means you’re not on the same page. If it’s happening often, you need to find out what you should be doing differently. If it’s not very often, shit happens.

  26. He certainly did not expect something like that from you so early in your relationship. Next time ask him he would like to see you swallow when you know he is close.

  27. Actually if she started to do that and he said no and she kept then it would be bad. Other than that it's trying something new…. If she did it and he was excited about it and went to town on her then that's consent.

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  29. I compete in powerlifting and have a very muscular build. My wife has a pouch as you describe it an I find it irresistible and sexy. Please be confident in yourself as he pocked you!

  30. I would still look at talking to a professional. In particular if you have any past tramua this might be related to. In terms of sex, do you think if she initiated and took control you would feel better? If you do have sex more, I would highly recommend after care. Were both you and your GF give each other affirmations. Explain how much you both enjoyed the sex and how it was wanted.

  31. Yes, you're being gaslit. I have a past pretty similar to yours, but I'm in my 30s now. Unfortunately, sometimes when you're trying to tell a guy “I've been abused, please be extra gentle with me” what they actually take away from the conversation is “It will be easy to abuse me, I don't know what it's like to be treated with respect.” Care for yourself. Leave this guy.

  32. That part hurt my pride a little bit because she specifically asked him to make her cum, and I’ve also never made her cum twice during one session before. I sympathize with you. In the moment it hurts thinking “Does this mean she prefers him?” If she asks him to make her orgasm and not you. This is the thing about 3somes with committed partners where the last thing you want is to think they prefer the third more than you. And it takes a lot of trust to get to a point where they are enjoying another person and you don't mind. Do you feel unwanted? Second best? Ignored? Take time to ask yourself what you feel. What would make it okay? What do you want? What can you actually get? Do you feel like she sees you as second best? Well if you're gonna have 3somes then you're gonna have partners who might be better than you in some ways. So what do you want? Do you want to feel wanted? Well what is gonna make you feel wanted during a 3some with 2guys? Some amount of focus on the other guy is expected. But how to do this in a way that doesn't like a soft rejection or a preference for him, vs just having fun and enjoying the moment? And after thinking this through you can talk with her. I don’t want to bring it up to her because I don’t want her to feel bad, cause I don’t think she did anything wrong. I think some aftercare is in order. I don't know what that is gonna look like for you, but something like that is pretty intense. Maybe polyamorous people or people in the hotwifing community will be able to give you specific advice on the kind of aftercare that helps with jealousy. You should be allowed to express that you have jealous and negative feelings. And that you want your partner to at least be compassionate that it's a bit of a hit to your pride. The same way she might be a little jealous if you never came from just being kissed, but during a 3some with another girl, you did that. (Or some other thing that would hurt her pride. We're human it happens) It's not about blaming her, but being able to rely on her for support. Can anyone explain why you would be able to have a vaginal orgasm with one person and not another? Dick shape or size, or height changing the angle of penetration hitting various spots in a specific way the heightened state of arousal making it easier to orgasm

  33. Consult your doctor. You could have a very treatable condition such as vaginismus that is getting in the way of your enjoyment.

  34. Maybe I'm vanilla and shy as fuck but that sounds horrendous. And swapping numbers with a stranger just sounds silly.

  35. No, at best he assumed she was into it because she was jacking him off into her face… At worse he was pressuring her to do so… At best this was something they did before and shouldn't be a boundary (which seems unlikely) at worse they discovered a boundary because they never talked about it before. This generation has a habit of faulting anyone when it suits them and preach acceptance at the same time. Out yourself in the other person's shoes for a hot minute. How can you fault someone for crossing a boundary that neither of you knew existed? They need to talk it out. Chances are he as just as young and naive as op, discovering about all the ins and outs of sex. Not a rapist… At no point did she tell him to stop. That feels weird even saying because she was the one jacking him off. “Stop being jacked off by me.” Idk maybe we need more clarity on this? This is a common case of “I'm too damn young to use my voice and/or I didn't know that I didn't like it till after the fact”. This isn't assault. She needs to reflect on what all bothered her and tell him. In kind, I'm sure he will apologize and they will grow together. Now if she tells him I don't like xyz (IE sets a boundary) and he still does it, he is being a careless prick. If he crosses a boundary and she says stop and he continues. Legally speaking that may or may not be rape and/or assault given the action and situation. Either way in my book, THAT is what makes you a prick… intent matters.

  36. You make a great point about this being part of a larger issue. I feel unheard about pretty much anything I want in the bedroom (I don't mean to be dramatic- I've been shut down on things that I thought were normal like French kissing, felatio, and a few other things). I guess I don't know how to have that bedroom conversation without sounding accusatory- 'I do all this for you and you don't do hardly anything for me'… bc honestly that's how it feels.

  37. Yea once I learned my wife was submissive I would just either guide her towards it or put it near her mouth. But honestly BJs aren't a big deal for me I'd much rather go down on her it's super sexy to me for some reason.

  38. They are playing high activity sports in very tight shorts. It's just what happens, and you're noticing because you're horny


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