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LoveCoupleenaked live sex chat

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6 thoughts on “LoveCoupleenaked live sex chat

  1. Your lack of feeling down there? Idk? You don't see me leaving comments like youra. You don't see most men leaving any negative comments to women, only compliments. I don't think you should be silent. I just don't know why it was worth saying in that specific and very uncommon type of post. I don't even think you should be quiet about your preference. But another average or big preferences post is super likely to come around, so why not save the love for them and do it then? It's just rigged to where we compliment women they're beautiful from head to toe and all we get is judgement and “facts” to deal with.

  2. If you had feelings for your hookup it wouldn't be as big of a problem I'm guessing. Since it's only a hookup I think you need to be direct and let him know you need a few minutes after or you need to cum last.

  3. I’d say continue doing what you’re doing in the sense of making her comfortable. Be gentle with her and reassuring, if you both haven’t been seeing each other long she may just be cautious about you if anything although that’s just an educated guess/assumption. Be patient until she opens up a bit more, maybe have her initiate sex whenever she’s ready. She might just need more time. As for wetness, I’d advise to buy some lube because it really does help. Other than that, you might just need to take things reaaally slow. Let her warm up to you a bit more before continuing with anything sexual.

  4. I’m baffled as fuck! Not judging at all, literally just curious as fuck now…never heard of this before! Noted 📝✔️👍 thanks!


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