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17 thoughts on “LoveeMorenaked live sex chat

  1. Since every detail provided was about how she’s unhappy about this one person, she’s forbidden him from contacting her, she reached to this other woman, and is mad about the other porn accounts, this seems to be the bigger issue. Nowhere was it framed that her husband’s discretionary spending was putting them in financial jeopardy. It seems like a wild assumption that he’s hurting the well-being of his family and that wasn’t even important enough to mention?

  2. Or you put him on his back and while you're on top of him pull up often him and tell him I really want to fill you in my ass deep

  3. You know how when you relax your muscles are lose and when you tense they're tight? The anus is the opposite of that, its tense in its relaxed state. So instead of relaxing, “tense” the muscle by bearing down as if you're going to take a shit. Use a lubricanted condom. I dunno if its a me-thing but no matter how much lube we use and how lubricated the penis/toy is, during penetration it feels like my rim is so tight is “pushes” the lube away. So the outside is lubricated and the inside is lubricated but the rim itself feels like it isn't, which can make initial penetration sting. Ive found lubricated condoms minimize or remove this problem. Ive also heard squirting lube inside can help but we dont have a lube bottle with a tip that can be used that way so I can't verify that personally. Try toys or anal training. If your bf or toy is big and youve never had successful anal beforez and/or don't do it regularly, I've found the diameter just feels too big to comfortably take, no matter how many fingers i use to open myself up. Having a buttplug in beforehand, or working your way up to larger diameters with an anal training kit, can help get you used to taking larger diameters easier. You can also try stretching just a bit more during penetration. This step depends on how high your pain tolerance is and how far you guys “get”. If penetration hurts too much to get in at all, this won't work. But if he can get far enough to get the head in, what can help is him inserting his thumb beside his dick or the toy for a couple of minutes and then removing it. It hurts for a bit, but after that removing the thumb makes the pain go away because you're now less stretched. But this does sting a bit so if you're uncomfortable with pain or have a low pain tolerance this won't be any fun at all. Good luck!

  4. You don't understand the situation correctly. She did give me a blowjob a few times, then stopped. Her reasons were jaw and gagging. I told her how to mitigate those issues, but she hasn't made a single attempt to try that and incorporate any changes.

  5. You got what you wanted and she got what she wanted. Sounds like it all went well even though it was bizarre. If she’s not responding to your calls she is done with you. Enjoy the memory and move on.

  6. Yes my fiancé and I have the same issue, and it’s both of our favorite position. We’ve tried it with me on the couch or bed while he’s standing


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