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4 thoughts on “MIllie Snow, ♥naked live sex chat

  1. It sounds like you MIGHT be having panic/anxiety subconsciously about it and the possibilities of what it could bring such as pregnancy. You still might want to visit a doctor just to confirm there is nothing more sever going on. Hope it all works out and that you start to feel better.

  2. Tnx fot the answer ,it helps a lot I was thinking about it and well is probably just a scratch ,i had my period 2 weeks ago. Spotting is normal ? Like it never hapened before But as long it's not something concerning ,i guess im fine Thanks a lot 🙂

  3. What you are describing is a classic pattern of behaviors that occurs when a partner’s libido has crashed. It as if the human brain has some built in scripts that get executed in order to avoid sex. Thankfully you aren’t married yet nor have kids together. I have been down this road twice. The first was with a LTR and we broke up over it because she had zero interest in trying to get her libido back or investigate the cause. My wife’s libido and ability to orgasm crashed in June. This formerly playful, highly orgasmic sexual person suddenly had zero interest in investigating cause or fixing it until I told her that as much as I hated the idea, I was unwilling to be celibate the rest of my life, nor to continue to be constantly rejected, so we needed to choose to either fix it, open up the marriage, or divorce. That was the only thing that incentivized her to fix it. She’s now working with her shrink and cardiologist to change the meds which caused the catastrophe. We also spent about three months and many thousands of dollars going to a couple different counselors, which had no benefit. This is a tremendously difficult problem to solve. I wish you all the best in addressing it.


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