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10 thoughts on “monikaaanaked live sex chat

  1. You need to be upfront with your boyfriend. What he is currently doing is making you uncomfortable and upset, and it also leaves you without any support from him. It is a reasonable expectation that a partner will emotionally support you without expecting sex in return. From what you have described, your partner has been coercing you into sex, when you have not wanted it. This is not acceptable behavious from him, and unfortunately, every time that you fulfil his needs against your wishes, it teaches him that he can get away with it. You sound very caring and obliging, but you deserve better. You are still very young, and this does not sound like a person who would be a good long term partner. You deserve to feel loved with condition, not to be used for sex. I think you are writing here to get permission to break up with him, it sounds like you are already very unhappy. If you break up with him in person, let a friend or family member know where you will be. Good luck, stay safe.

  2. Take what she said at face value, she couldnt properly express what she meant and that was what she came up with. Sex can fuck with the brain quite a bit, especially if its good sex its not uncommon for women to feel emotionally overwhelmed and can't handle it to the point where the only natural reaction is to cry. Sort of in the sense of crying from being happy etc etc. But of course its entirely possible thats not the case and could be something was bugging her for awhile and it finally came out during sex. Basically no one on reddit is going to have the answer for you because we're not in her head. So again, take it at face value and make sure to set aside some time where you can both talk about it in a non confrontational way. Where you can let her know you're not mad or hurt, just confused and just wanna know what was up if shes had some time to think about it.

  3. As a mom that had low sex drive when I had my littles: it’s hard. Being home with kids all day is emotionally and physically draining and it never stops, you don’t get to go home and relax you are working 24/7. As a stay at home mom, you tend to be the one the kids always go to for help because you are always there, even when daddy is home. To get out of that zone of always being on is hard. That being said, my husband and I always tried (and still do) to prioritize our relationship, sometimes over the kids. (I know, I might get some gasps) Here are some tips that we used to connect even tho life was crazy: Some nights, when he worked late, I would go ahead and put the kids to bed, so when he got home it was just us. Did he miss out of seeing his kids once or twice a week, yes…do they remember, no. You know who remembers, me. For some reason, so much emphasis is put on “putting your kids first.” Hey, it’s ok not to put them first sometimes! Because putting you and your wife first is putting your family first…you two are the cornerstone of the family. We got into a habit of also having drinks when he got home. We still do this after over 20 years of marriage and almost 30 years together. They don’t have to be alcoholic, sometimes it’s tea. But when the kids were little (and still up when he got home) he would greet them a play for a little, and then we would shoo them off to watch some tv or play. They knew that this was Mama and Daddy’s time, it’s important for them to know that we need adult time to connect. That meant no interruptions unless there was bleeding 🙂 That would be our time (even if it was 30 min). Have dinner together just you and her if you can. I would always wait and just feed the kiddos first. And then once bath and bedtime were over, we would cook and feed ourselves in the quietness of the kitchen. Family dinners were reserved for Friday nights and weekends, but during the week, we reserved our dinners together. To be honest, it’s just taking small snippets of time out for the two of you. Enabling her to disconnect to be with you, will in turn make her more approachable to hugs and contact…and then everything else takes care of itself. Side notes: remember it’s hard, also remember kids don’t remember crap before age 7 or so, putting in the work now will save you later in your marriage, it’s ok to have drunk sex…like seriously, if some days are hard for her and that’s how she can gets in the mood and is able to turn off the world around her – do it…don’t view it as demoralizing (it’s not about you, it’s about pushing all the noise out of her brain so she can be with you), you are expecting to much to be honest. Women’s minds are ALWAYS on and I mean always. Having a kid that young is brutal…you aren’t just a paycheck just like she isn’t just a caretaker…you each are contributing and it’s HARD! Good luck!

  4. Yes, female bodily fluids taste different each and every day. If a Vampire could talk, or vampire bats could. They would tell you the same things.

  5. What??? since you want to be so literal here. So lets say OP is using a vibrator + sex with partner for the next 10 times they have an encounter vs not using a vibrator and only sex the following 10 times. You're saying the girl isn't going to mind the vibrator anymore? he can just throw it to the trash? also will she be as pleased?

  6. They aren't calling you antisemitic, they are asking if that's what you mean by “turning into Kanye”. Also Daft Pink made “Harder, Faster, Stronger”. Kanye made a remix where he rapped verses into it but he didn't even say those words.

  7. They aren't calling you antisemitic, they are asking if that's what you mean by “turning into Kanye”. Also Daft Pink made “Harder, Faster, Stronger”. Kanye made a remix where he rapped verses into it but he didn't even say those words.


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