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20 thoughts on “neko-kira1naked live sex chat

  1. As a man, you're gonna' have a hard time. You need to be realistic. If you're not an exceptionally handsome man, you're probably better off skipping Tinder. Feeld works because it's so much more direct, but you should be focusing on people you meet in your real life and click with. If you're friendly with someone, but don't have too precious a friendship to risk, you flirt. If it doesn't get shut down, you keep flirting until it goes somewhere or gets shut down.

  2. Asking someone to engage in drunk sex (with pre-determined permission) is a form of consensual non consent. Many many people are not okay with that sort of thing. Don’t push. He gave you HIS answer & you should respect it.

  3. I think a lot of people assume nipple play is only for foreplay or for sex, so they don’t see why it would be awkward to ask for….but I like having my nipples sucked in general…we don’t have to fuck after. in fact, I’d really love it if someone just did it while we were watching a movie and that’s all they did. It’s just comforting in the same way spooning is, at least for me. And that’s the part that is more awkward to ask for. I asked my husband and he didn’t say it was weird or anything but it’s not something he chooses to do unprompted so idk

  4. not all guys are negative thinkers. a true guy in my opinion will truly love a women's body if he loves her soul and inside personality.

  5. As always, if you have access to a doctor or therapist, it could be good to ask them about this. When you're feeling that way, can you identify any particular thoughts you are having about yourself? Perhaps judgments you are making about what kind of person you are, or should be?

  6. Well then there's nothing really wrong with you. The time you'll have a few boys trying to make you cum with you telling them how to touch you and at what pace and you'll still be unable to cum, that's when you can say you have a problem

  7. This is so true. I get that people say it should be an equal exchange but the thought of every sexual encounter being this long protracted affair is a bit much. Sometimes a quicky is satisfying even if the woman doesn’t get an orgasm. There just seems to be little excitement and spontaneous action from the description. However, if every time is lacking it may be that they aren’t compatible at this time.

  8. Or being super hot for instance, true.. we are all humans after all. Although I've never seen a man evangelizing about how hotness in women don't matter when he truly appreciates hotness in a woman at the same time. On the other hand, even though there are plenty of women who truly believe size doesn't matter and it applies correctly to them, there are plenty who love size and still preach size doesn't matter.

  9. Communication is key. Ask her. Not during sex buy say you two are just hanging out or watching tv, give her a little back rub and ask her what turns her on the most. Ask her what kind of things she things would turn her on the most.

  10. I've not heard that's a side effect. Unfortunately you can speculate and worry yourself about many possibilities and it will only be a guess until you have a doctor do some testing. If you are really worried, go have some tests run.

  11. I’m the same as you , for sure don’t see myself having a relationship with a man but enjoy to masturbate with a bro and sucking each other’s dick, I think in a way im attractive to the human body no matter of the femininity or masculinity beauty of the body

  12. I started at half that. You are fine, most of the things you want to address should not be blamed on this, but in your inability to get what you want. You want to be healthy? Take those steps. You want to be fitter? Go work out.


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