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8 thoughts on “NicoleRoberts19naked live sex chat

  1. Your entire post history is just post after post about this same issue. Have you considered the ancient wisdom “Shit or get off the pot?”

  2. How old are you now? You have a better chance of asking her if she remembers if she was ovulating. What is this for? This feels weird.

  3. I think you need to figure out where your anxiety around it stems from and the root cause. Only by identifying it can you find a solution that’s right for you around it. Personally I also find sex without condom a more intimate experience, especially with someone I’m planning to be more long term with. That said I always check they are clean and I get tested regularly anyway before. That’s enough for me to feel comfortable without a condom. There will always be a risk element, nothings 100% safe apart from abstinence, so you have to figure out what you feel comfortable with. It’s perfectly ok to go without if you’ve done your due diligence. It’s also perfectly ok to change your mind and just be honest with him when you tell him and tell him your reasons why.

  4. I'm like you. I'd not used tampons or put fingers or anything in myself. I really felt safe and comfortable. I was wet, and turned on. He didn't use fingers, etc. He just slowly entered me with his penis, stopped, a bit more in, and then yeah, definitely some pain. He just kept going slowly then a final forceful push. I bled just a tiny amount. Maybe my hymen tissue was thick. Anyway, the next two times, I'd say within that week, definitely some small discomfort. Then after that, I was ready to roll. He was maybe 5.5″ and normal girth. I think the first time varies based on the guy''s size, how scared you are of pain, previous fingering or not.

  5. 1) I'm going to need every grown adult in this thread to put down their pitchforks and try to remember all the bullshit you put people through when you were 16 because you were dumb and stupid. OP's bf is a dumbass for sure. But so were a lot of us back then. How many toxic beliefs and behaviours did you shed over time? Also a lot of you have this annoyance at guys not being okay with toys don't seem to notice how often women get insecure with guys using a fleshlight. There is several things that men want in bed that women get insecure about. There was a post yesterday about a woman who was losing interest in sex because her bf wants to finish with his own hand instead of inside her. 2) You are not obligated to stay with him. You can decide for yourself what your standards are. I know it's a lot to ask of you right now, but as you grow up you'll have higher expectations for your partners because you'll be more mature and they will too. 3) It takes trust and time to work through insecurities. You have to build the kind of trust that lets him know his needs aren't in conflict with the thing he is worried about. He basically felt toys would replace him and be better than him. I told him thats not possible they can't the love and affection and cuddling that you get from your partner, but he still insisted. That's not the point. He means sexually. He means that he doesn't want his body to be replaced because the toys would better. He doesn't want a situation where you want him for affection and cuddles, but when it comes to sex, you always get him to use the toys and you only put up with his actual body. (And in case your wondering, it does occasionally happen). Basically: “I'm afraid you'll want the toys instead of my dick/hands/mouth” “Don't worry, I still need you to cuddle after!” “But what about during?” I know that's not what you meant. It's just that your answer doesn't address what he's worried about. You need to build up the trust that you want the touch of the toys AND him. Maybe on different days, but you'll still want both. And that even if the toys feel really good, you still care enough about connecting with him on a physical level that you'll still view skin on skin as it's own thing to explore. Also when using the toys, don't treat him like he's interrupting your time with the toys. Make it about him using the toys and how much you enjoy him for using toys on you, not like you're annoyed he's there and the toys are what you really want. You probably are already doing that, but just making sure. 4) As for him, he needs to process what specifically he has a problem with. Also it's best if you go at his pace and talk together about what kind of toys you both might be interested in using on each other. Vibrators are an option, so are dildos, fleshlights, etc etc. Toys for both of you. If you start the conversation as “I want this toy and this toy and that toy” that sets a different tone than “What kind of toys have you ever thought about?”. It's important to meet someone where they are. Just like with other forms of sex like anal, watching porn during sex together, etc.


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