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117 thoughts on “PaytonMckaynaked live sex chat

  1. Could be the way you present yourself, or handle those conversations about sexual acts. The negging from the French kiss guy while gross, came off like even the thought of French kissing made you uncomfortable and this could be picked up on in other conversations. If a guy approaching you on the beach gives you a noticeable reaction that could be how he picked up on it

  2. Best to just let it fall into place I dont buy into this advice, its ok for women to just “wait” but men still have to approach and make the first move. If your a man who doesnt approach or has poor social skills then your most likely fucked, thats why the marriage rates for autistic men are very low because many autistic men always remain single while women with autism dont struggle as much because women are not expected to approach, read social cues or dont need to have good social skills etc

  3. You need to play into the madonna whore complex. It always works. You need to also roleplay to be a little gullible / impressionable. This dynamic will deff force him to be in the dominant position. But he has to hate you a little bit too. You need to be a tease, challenge his manhood, ivalidate him if you have to.

  4. Wow! He's big for so young! Honestly I wasn't taught consent in school, but my sex ed was abstinence because that's the southern United States for ya!

  5. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a question about birth control or if you or someone else might be pregnant. These posts are not allowed. The topics are well covered by the PREGNANCY FAQ in general, and, if you're worried about a specific incident, no one can really know the likelihood that it resulted in pregnancy. You might also find the FIRST TIME HAVING SEX FAQ helpful as well. Also, please check the TOP POSTS FROM THE LAST DAY WEEK MONTH YEAR and ALL TIME. If your post was not asking if you or someone else might be pregnant or a generic question about birth control, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  6. OP, I don't know what to tell you really. He left crying halfway through and you still continued. Look, you're young. Very young. You didn't handle it well, at all (putting lightly really). But you can learn from this, and grow to become better at handling this. Now you seem to be belittling this experience. “It was just a fantasy”, well it was a serious enough fantasy for you to keep bringing it up over and over, despite your bf clearly not being into it. You didn't care enough about “the best thing that ever happened” to you. Again, you're young, and you will grow from this, but you were too impulsive and selfish here, which means do you really care about your boyfriend? Do you really love him? It's OK if the answer to the last two questions is NO. Because for me the answer to those questions is clearly NO. And that is fine. It will cause hurt, pain, and a lot of retroscpection and self doubt, as it should, but you clearly don't value your bf enough. Not over a threesome at least. Again, you can learn from this and grow to properly communicate sexual needs and how to prioritise them. But you won't be growing to learn with this bf. The older he gets, and more experienced in life, the more hurt he will be by this. Sorry for the harshness.

  7. I hate to say it, but you broke him, and I don't think he will recover from this, he had to witness you having sex with another man and now anytime he thinks about sex with you he is flashing back to that moment seeing you with another man, if you truly care about him let him go and find someone else, because he is traumatized by you.

  8. Possible it is real. I just find it unlikely that the encounter happened literally exactly how it went down on that video. It just seems likely OP got inspired by it and wanted to make a ragebait against women

  9. People pleasing, wanting to submit can in itself be what you enjoy but you can also explore other things you enjoy too.

  10. Trust me: If he looks up and sees you tweaking your own nipples, HE will probably come. Also, if you enjoy the head, run with it and relax. Firstly, I love giving my lady head so as long as she's moaning having a good time, I'm good to stay down there however long – I suspect he's the same way. Giving pleasure is a huge turn-on for many guys. Second, as I said, tweaking your own nipples is going to make him absolutely nuts, and is in NO WAY ridiculous. Also, he has two hands — make sure he knows you need it. Thirdly — perhaps the addition of some vibration or a toy insertion or a bit of anal stimulation (not in, just on) may push you over the edge perhaps? Have fun with it, experiment, and absolutely don't think any of it is ridiculous or embarrassing. Going for what you want and need, to most partners, is a huge plus.

  11. I perhaps could have stated in a more responsible way. What I mean is that if you both are in a relationship and you care about each other than it would seem that you both would want to do things that bring each other pleasure. Even sometimes when you dont want to do it anyway. It's the best way to operate.

  12. It can be (can) being the keyword but no, neither of those come close to or will make up for the lack of vaginal pleasure.

  13. Maybe you’re not doing it right. Have been with a lot of people with clits and I have one myself. Never does my clit “shut down”.

  14. Are we referring to before or after sex or just an everyday feeling? When aroused, all of the above and as far as does it feel tight or loose? Its a muscle, so I would assume it feels tight usually, like inserting like say a tampon, definitely not the most pleasant experience and with a penis, even being really wet, you still gotta adjust to it. Im told Im very tight

  15. His reaction was bizarre, especially considering he had seen your arms and knew your history. Most people in the same situation and knowing what they already knew about you would not react this way. I know it may be difficult to convince yourself of that but it's the reality. I'm glad you found out now and didn't have to waste more of your life with them but still, what a weird series of behaviors when they were breaking up with you. Please give yourself some time and know that many people are fine with scars, some even find them beautiful. Some find them impressive (that you came back from that self-harm). They have every right to break up for whatever reason (anybody does) but the way they went about it was needlessly cruel.

  16. You can dress differently (check out Hugh Jackman on the front cover of a women's magazine in a cosy sweater vs a men's fitness mag), start to notice the signs that a woman may be more assertive so you can prioritise interacting/showing interest with them. But like all things relationship wise just be honest early about what's important to you. Find ways to fit who you are and what you want into the conversation. And learn to be okay with things not always working out. Look after yourself and good luck!

  17. Not normal. Any of the anal I’ve done hasn’t smelt & i don’t do any prep for it. But I’d look up more ways to prep for it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  18. If you want to get ride of most of it: Go pee and sit over the toilet after, some will come out. Then I’d say get a shower, or at least clean yourself (should do these things after sex anyways) that’ll wash away most of it that dripped out. I personally like to wear a pad or tampon for a few hours (usually overnight) to catch any spillage. Some cum smells bad btw and may make you smell bad for a day or two. (Even if both of you are clean/disease free) but i recommend everyone get tested before you go raw. And then tested again two weeks after as well!

  19. I don't want to have sex with a guy who is wishing that my vagina looked like an innie. No one wants to be second best.The problem is that men even have a labia preference in the first place.

  20. Thats beautiful. I’m happy you had that connection with another being. I wish you luck on your future. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment I appreciate it very much!

  21. She is insisting you fuck him bc he has bad luck with girls.. yet your ‘friend’ is a fucking Stan for him. Does the guy know that she wants to fuck him herself? Beggars can’t be choosers and they both sound desperate. I guess your friend is the end to his bad luck. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to them! 🙄 Please drop that ‘friend’. You deserve SO MUCH better.

  22. Nah dude I just think he was quoting a meme and wasn't really into anal. Should have said it better in the moment but he wasn't trying to say “your traumatized by your dad” obviously.

  23. I think just saying sth like “I really want to have sex with you right now” can also be very sexy.

  24. How old are you and your girlfriend? If you're still in high school, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT HAVE SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM. I also do not suggest using the morning after pill as a replacement for condoms. They are considered emergency contraceptives, as in you use them only in case of emergencies, like condoms breaking, sexual assault, etc. You definitely shouldn't use them regularly, and they're also very expensive. Why not just have sex with the condom on, then have her give you a blowjob when you're ready to finish? My husband and I don't use condoms, but he always pulls out and has me give him head until he cums. The key thing here is that we are married and we are not actively trying for a baby, but if it does happen, we are okay with that. If you aren't ready for a baby, never ever have sex raw! EVER.

  25. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  26. If you're asking for a way to increase the size and capacity of your mouth then no, there is no non-surgical method available to you.

  27. That’s great! He will handle the toy himself, I’m sure, and be delighted to have you share his fun.

  28. If you don't want to break up, and you love and respect her as a person, it is something you can try to adjust to by just waiting for her to initiate; that is the right thing to do since she has laid a boundary. You could also try practicing more intimacy outside of the bedroom like cooking together, cleaning together, cuddling and holding hands, random kisses, gift giving, date nights, etc. Things where you don't expect sex and things you know won't make her feel pressured.

  29. insecure Girl, you need to remember something important here. He is coming back for more. All the time. Again and again and again. If it was in any way, you know, bad, he wouldn't have. This bothers you a lot more than it bothers him. I don't know enough about you circumstances here, but I can tell you straight out that it doesn't really matter if getting off with you takes 30 minutes or three hours; he is coming back for more and more. Which means that there REALLY is something that he looks forward to having again and again and again. This may seem a bit counterintuitive too, but you need to realise that one of the things he likes COULD very well be the fact that he gets to be in you for a long time. It doesn't hurt that you want to learn a new trick or two. In fact, I totally think you should. But don't do it because you are insecure. Do it because you want to learn a new trick.

  30. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  31. Lube. Lots of different ones to try. If there's no silicone toys involved I'd recommend silicone lube it's very slick, you don't need much and it lasts longer than water based. It will probably solve all of the problems, hopefully.

  32. Anyone can have sex with people of any gender. Sexual attraction isn’t mandatory for sex, it’s just something most people require and expect. Physical arousal can happen for reasons other than sexual attraction, such as fantasizing about someone else or being physically stimulated.

  33. Oh, because I lost 100 pounds and started having orgasms and sensations that weren't there before. Including not handling my partner's size when I had no problems with that before. Could play a role?

  34. I've had this issue before where it hurt my partner. Not sure why but I can assure the naysayers in the comments that it's quite common.

  35. The anything that's not natural will never touch our skin bit makes me believe that whatever she has going on here is so deep-seated that it will take years of work to get past if that's even possible. And the fact that she's willing to so quickly and firmly toss out a choose now ultimatum tells me that that work would never happen.

  36. Yes & it feels great! Tho it did take some getting used to before I really got to enjoy the kind of sensation it provided. I always use a good amount of lube & work my way up in terms of depth & stretch/number of fingers. Very few times have I bled since I keep my finger nails trim & make sure to apply pressure with my finger pads, not tips. When I did it was because I was being too rough too early &/or not using enough lube, tho it was never more than irritation. Experiment with postions & finger movements, too. I've found lots of different ways to entertain my prostate & get things going down there. Highly reccomended

  37. What the fuck?? I hate people who attacks you and try to make you feel bad when they made a mistake Just block him

  38. Because they are not saying “I like this, so do it” They are saying “he bragged about liking this, so do it” The difference is small, but significant

  39. Some of my friends suffer from penile pain and dysfunction, which takes a toll not only on their sex life, but also quality of life, employment status, income, and interpersonal relations. The journey to get good quality medical care is traumatic in sexual medicine for all genders. I can sympathize with this 100% myself as I also experience it with my own issues. Same principles and barriers, just different conditions. I also want to help them and it's one of my research interests. I believe that helping them could be the key to helping myself with some of my issues as there are many similarities in line with hip abnormalities, spine abnormalities, connective – tissue disorders contributing to sexual pain. I do not have hard flaccid. I have endometriosis, suspected adenomyosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and many other abnormalities. I need a hysterectomy to have a better quality of life.

  40. Then just bring it up, say it's been a fantasy for a while and ask if she's down or not, if not then don't push it if so then go from there

  41. I'd get a second opinion on those cysts. But first hear what she says about pain that has spread and the blood you saw. Definitely tell her it hurts less with condom, and that toys are fine. These are important clues that could guide her in figuring out what's going on.

  42. Sounds like you need new friends hun…your “friends” should not be making you feel like this ever, for any reason. There is nothing wrong with you and no reason to feel disgusted with yourself because of your kinks.

  43. Seems odd to me too but we all have our tastes. I am a bi man and I prefer monogamous emotional relationships that are sexually sharing as well It is hard to find that and the right balance if you do not start from the beginning.

  44. You’re the one who needs counseling. You have a problem. Obviously she isn’t interested in changing. Having a lower sexual drive doesn’t mean it needs to be changed or “fixed”. It also makes sense that she doesn’t care when you tell her your dreams about her, but does care when it’s about someone else. Because that is in theory “cheating”. I know you can’t control your dreams but if they are constantly featuring someone else you might wanna consider why that is. If you are unsatisfied with your sexual life, break up, but don’t lash out at her. I wouldn’t have these dreams if she was a bit more willing… Is toxic and bordering into guilt tripping. Stop trying to force her into something she doesn’t want. You say you’ve “tried to fix that” but have any of your attempts been to fix yourself? You can’t change her so accept it or move on.

  45. I don’t want to shame him or make him feel like he can’t freely explore his sexuality with me though. I guess I just don’t know how he’d take that

  46. OPINION SEEKING, POLLS, VALUE JUDGMENTS OR VALIDATION POSTS. This forum is not for simply collecting opinions – “do you think [X] is hot?”, “Women, do you like [Y]?”, “What is your favorite sex position?” and so forth. This is not a forum to discuss your penis size, breast size, labia size, ask about other body image issues

  47. Seeing these posts on Reddit is so hard because we only see one side of the story. Therapy with a specialized third party is honestly so sensible and shows that you have patience and willingness to solve this in a way that would honor your wife and your marriage. I understand your wife’s lack of enthusiasm-she probably feels very vulnerable on this subject and the idea of speaking with someone random about it probably makes her feel uneasy. Maybe let her research and choose the therapist? Giver her a tiny bit of that control if that’s what she needs? However if she is wholly unwilling, I’d take THAT as giving up. You’d just have to go from there.

  48. Not at all. Protecting your health is an absolutely reasonable thing to do. Anyone who tried to make you feel otherwise should be a hard pass.

  49. Sex is a lot more than just thrusting. So much more involved. Maybe I am abnormal but I refuse to cum until my fiancee has. It might take some work for her to get to that point. Sometimes rubbing the clit. Sometimes a good 30+ minutes of thrusting, her on top, doggy, etc. You got to listen to her and her body. This will tell you how close she is. Sometimes it doesn't work no matter what but she is able to have an orgasm 95% of the time. It helps that I focus on her too. Practice, age, health, etc have an effect on performance too.

  50. Another humble brag? That's like saying “I'm too attractive”. lol. Being super wet is probably one of the biggest turn-ons. Make your partner change the sheets? or you can make the bed and then put a wet blocking mattress pad over the made bed and a second set of sheet on top of that. After the first time, just take off the sheets and mattress pad to find a dry set of sheets. Frankly, being too wet could never be a problem for me or most people.

  51. I always found girls in their mid to late 20s the most attractive, even back when I was 25. But a man in that age group only sleeping around (and not into serious relationships) with younger women is a red flag

  52. the brain remains in its active state of maturation (1,7,19,21) Such evidence supports the hypothesis that the adolescent brain is structurally and functionally vulnerable to environmental stress, risky behavior, drug addiction, impaired driving, and risky sexual encounters The development and maturation of the prefrontal cortex occurs primarily during adolescence and is fully accomplished at the age of 25 years. The development of the prefrontal cortex is very important for complex behavioral performance, as this region of the brain helps accomplish executive brain functions. So mentlaly she has been or nearly is a fully formed adult and you are years away from that. Also women's brains develop sooner then men's, so your relationship is the equivalent of a 25yr old man dating an 18yr old girl

  53. Why don't you have her touch herself for a minute during sex. Tell her it turns you on and you want to see her play with her clit. Just for a minute or two, if she's willing. Maybe that's how you get her accustomed to pleasuring herself — make it part of partnered sex. If that works, you could eventually even bring a vibrator into partnered sex. She could then see it as part of her sex life with you, not “cheating” in any way.

  54. AGREED! Male sex toys are the TITS. Why do a regular hand job if you can edge him with some type of jacker, or if he's on the “adventurous” some prostate toys, fucking cock rings (maybe the type that vibrate) allum!

  55. Not sure, but I've also experienced this so following the thread. One thing I realize is when I'm in my head about it it also affects the size

  56. Yeah that’s very true. I was more thinking over time my body may react differently to different things so if that substance was tried again it may not have the same result? But yeah that’s a fair point

  57. Well, it seems you already know the problem. Watching porn and jerking off is normal, but only in healthy amounts. You're young and horny all the time, but try to control yourself a bit more, otherwise your brain is overstimulated and addicted. I had the same problem and the solution is quite simple: Dont jerk off for one or a few days. Believe me, not only will you be able to cum but your orgasm will be more intense 😉

  58. Be honest with your partner. Tell him that you wanted to get plowed on your birthday. If you can't tell him that in person Then text him about it. Maybe make up a code word for when you are wanting him. You can even ask him how he would like you to come onto him.

  59. If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t want to. To generalize and exaggerate, men are always about 10 seconds away from wanting to and they don't require much encouragement. That said, “I want sex” isn't always the biggest turn on. There was a great scene in The Wire where the red-haired DC made her intentions known by rubbing the inside of Daniels' thigh. I'd say that's as close to an on switch as anyone has.

  60. At that point I awkwardly cut in and said I think we’re done here. He seemed taken aback and asked if something was wrong and I said no I’m tired and I’d like to be alone with my partner. Sounds like exactly what he did.

  61. We use them 2 or 3 times a month, it's a hell of a lot of fun. The cheap ones are OK for testing the waters but the premium ones are body safe, far more comfortable and let you customize them.

  62. god… i can't imagine how disgusting your own hand feels… or how disgusting you must feel if you watch some porn.


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