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49 thoughts on “PrincessTeananaked live sex chat

  1. Have you read Ester Perel's Mating in Captivity? It might be useful. Also, get him evaluated to rule out things like low level depression, falling testosterone and maybe even sleep issues. If all come back normal, do what you're afraid to do. Ask him (in therapy) if closing the marriage was particularly difficult for him and if his sexual desires and fantasies are of the nonmonogamous variety.

  2. Absolutely, my thoughts are she is bi curious, which I feel like so many women are. An opportunity presented itself and she took it. Her reasons why though, we don't know.

  3. I'm just scared that she may have been sexually assaulted but can't tell me for any reason. Her crying only started recrntly.

  4. Have you tried the Kivin method? It's a different sensation than normal cunnilingus, look it up, and give it a try.

  5. Yes, stereotypes seem to not work when they are turned around on to those doing the stereotyping. They should, it makes perfect sense.

  6. Yes that was sexual assault by coercion. The grabbing of your arm was assault. OP this person is not your friend. I would suggest cutting all non professional contact with this person. And reporting any further attempt from him to coerce you to your employer and law enforcement.

  7. Idk I have a shallow vagina imo. If it’s been longer than 7 days it hurts me at first but I soon adjust. My bf always lets me control the beginning of sex when it’s been a while. He never rushes me and it goes p a i n f u l l y slow at first. He’s a trooper. And when I give the “ok I’m good” he gets all excited and starts like normal. It took us some time and communication to come up with the system but it works really well for us. I think it’s about trial, error, low expectations, and major communication and understanding on both ends. What works for us is me being on top at first since I have a little more control over speed and angle that way. But that’s just something you two will have to try out. There may be positions for it to be less painful. Many say the vagina is really stretchy and it will adjust overtime. Mine does just a little but I think I’m abnormal. I think you’ll be fine.

  8. I appreciate your reply. Makes me realise that there are so many possible taboo fantasies that people might have, and hearing them kind of helps to deal with mine. Thanks

  9. Well no offense but are you getting laid by attractive girls? My main problem is that I don't want to settle but I've never even been approached by a girl in my own league either. I won't get mad I'm already unattractive and pretty much accepted it but I personally don't think game or personality matters. Maybe you're a 6 or 7 out of 10 I'm like a 4.5 or 5 like I said I don't even want to settle so I can't be mad if a pretty girl doesn't want to there are some guys that genuinely get upset a girl won't sleep with them that's so entitled in my opinion

  10. Am I the only one who interpreted it as this is the comeback response they're suggesting for OP? Like basically what the wife did was admit to doing something deceitful to hook him, so how would she feel if he said something similar and implied that he's no longer going to live up to that ideal. Maybe then she would realize that she probably really messed up (if she actually cares about the marriage lasting).

  11. That’s an amazing start!! I usually need to get drunk too to have mindless fucking. I hate it. It’s so boring and damaging. I’m over it. Try to (just a suggestion, this is my current route to learn me and care about me in the end of all of this) not have penetrative sex. Enjoy the experience of being with someone. Touching them, wanting to touch them, getting excited by them in your space? I’m having a COMPLETELY different reaction to sex because of not giving in and letting someone fuck my body. Your boyfriend not being the other people you’ve been with (caring about you and your person) may be willing to give you this space to experience him without the need for fucking. If that’s possible maybe you can both experience the warmth and connection and relearn love/care in a different light from the different style of connection?

  12. Just wanna mention that condoms kept in the car for too long may degrade over time and tear more easily… if she’s gonna have sex (and it’s good that she’s using protection), she needs to know how to store condoms and test them for years/holes before use.

  13. I used to be a pretty hardcore addict and have yet to find a drug that makes me consistently piss the bed. Odds are, if a drug made me piss the bed I wouldn't be able to hide that I was on it lol Wait, was she going into a khole every night or something?

  14. This is the right move. Adding to this: This is a common, well-known, and easily diagnosible anxiety disorder called hypertonic pelvic floor disfunction, and it requires a referral to physical therapy in conjunction with talk therapy. A trained therapist will refer you! PT is a miracle!!!

  15. I would like to enjoy it, and physically I always do, but emotionally it isn't fun because the situation is stressful. I think he is more selfish than controlling because he's more concerned about how he feels during sex and what negative outcomes he could have from surgery and is dismissing via his behavior what it would be like for me to go through a pregnancy he wasn't excited about and all the regular risks that come with pregnancy.

  16. Damn! that sounds hard… Not even me, being a woman do I find it as troublesome to tune in to the experience at hand! (it is said that we have a more difficult time concentrating bc of this same stuff you explained above) I hope it's not me who makes them feel judged or worried…I certainly don't do any of that consciously

  17. I have one of the remote ones, it’s good but not great. My favorite toy is one of those clit suction type things, it’s so intense I orgasm almost immediately, so that’s my vote if you want to blow her mind, it’s even more intense during sex too.

  18. She needs an alternative type of birth control. There are different kinds to try that have different side effects

  19. You would have to explain to me how you could fuck up so much 2 different types of BC. Of course if she doesn't take the pill regularly and he puts the condom on after having had sex you could for sure get pregnant. If you use BOTH methods correctly it's impossible to get pregnant. What is it like 0.0001%? Come on

  20. My wife loves giving oral, but doesn't care much about receiving. She only gets clitoral enjoyment with heavy stimulation like a vibrator. But she loves having her g-spot stimulated by my fingers or good ole piv.

  21. The injury is more if she bounces up and down with long strokes. You pop out, she slams down. I've had it happen. Extremely painful, see a doc right away. Most women do more of a slide with cowgirl and not the pornstar bounce. With the slide there's not much risk if you pop out. Reverse is generally okay. It's more Amazon that presents issues with bending the penis too far down.

  22. Try organic Coconut oil….you can get it on the baking isle of Walmart.. it's water soluble and smells and taste great…plus it's very slick. Also get some toys of various sizes. Do more for play with the toys, fingers ect… When say sex ends, I hope he isn't being selfish and leaving you hanging… That would be another issue . Sex is about both of you..not just him..

  23. If you're asking this maybe MFM or wife sharing isn't for you at all and you need to stop it before it gets out of control

  24. Plenty of fish in the sea. The longer you stay the worse it’ll be later. Moving on is rough but it’s not the end of the world.

  25. Yeah, that's true… I just wanted to know if I can do those “normal” positions though. They don't just exist in porn, and tons of women do prefer 6+ inch dudes


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