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34 thoughts on “SarahLondonnaked live sex chat

  1. Damn, OP sounds insecure for not leaving after that let alone this new post. I hope she realizes this man is trash and she deserves better.

  2. Weird how none of these ppl who understood said anything until after she posted additional commentary. The rest of us were just too stupid to understand the game and answered the question posed. 🤷‍♂️

  3. I see. But even this should be mentioned to/with him. If you develope an aversion on sex, this will cause serious problems in your relationship. (an aversion per se or via having sex you don't want to have which I highly warn about) Sex is important to your husband. Too important to let it go. Again: I'm not talking about a phase or times in which one partner has lower libido. Your words are the trigger that let me think about it that way. No matter the outcome or the development. Always be honest. To yourself at first, but also to your partner. You two deserve to be treated well each by themselves.

  4. It gets parts of your brain going that you weren't using. It's not a hard and fast rule, but in my experience, high libido people tend to be kinkier than low libido people. They want sex more and more often, so they end up spending mental energy on what they might like to try, etc.

  5. This is a heartbreaking one for sure. I'll tell you from my point of view/situation, being the higher drive partner (30M) with a lower drive partner (28F), but as of recent, drastically improved. I've been with my GF for a year and a half now. Before then, we only had sex once a week and it didn't bother me. We lived separately at the time and when we did have date nights on the weekend, it was basically going to happen. Fast forward, we moved in with each other and sex happened even less frequently. I definitely felt rejected and thought she wasn't attracted to me as much as she said. Turns out, that after some discussion (and arguments) that she felt that her exes were using her for sex and that she was afraid I was doing the same and not loving her for her. It didn't help that she was cheated on either and keeps claiming that I could find someone more attractive that would fill my needs better. Long story short, I remained patient, developed better communication with her, and told her the reason why I feel that I always want to have sex with her is because we have a great emotional connection. If that wasn't there, i wouldn't be this way. Sex has been incredibly consistent as of late and she enjoys it very much after knowing how I feel, learning her love languages and using them frequently. It's the best I've ever had and I couldn't be more happier. She has been enjoying it as well and even hints at it through out the day to be ready at night. My actual advice: communicate with him. Express that it's not about just having sex, but the connection and intimacy you crave during it. I remember someone's advice saying that “it's shitty behavior to ask someone to be monogamous and celibate simultaneously.” If you feel that you are done being patient with him failing to meet your needs, especially after communicating it a couple times, definitely find someone else who can. I will be honest in saying that although I didn't want to break up with my girlfriend instantly about it, I definitely questioned and highly considered it. If this was to be my best relationship, I couldn't think of it being sexless. I wish you the best of luck. I'm hoping that if he loves you as much as he says, that he's willing to change or at least tend to your needs.

  6. men don’t usually want to perform full service sex for hookups because thats what it is, a hookup. cheap quick sex. good was never a guarantee

  7. Stereotypes about new military folks in relationships exist for a reason. I don't know how you had a military family and still thought dating someone in the service was smart.

  8. I 100% believe you when you say he’s acting like an animal, and from your previous posts, it’s apparent you’ve been dealing with this not only for a while, but that his sexual habits are a frequent issue. I want you to know that there are better men out there, and the way he gaslights and blows up when you turn him down is NOT okay. Like at all. He sounds childish and genuinely like a bully. He’s getting his way by making you feel small. Every time you respond to another comment, it’s obvious you’re struggling with this and know it’s unfair. Let that little voice in you get stronger, because me and everyone else on the sub are reassuring your it’s NOT fair!! Honey, I promise you, there are men out there that would respect your boundaries, and that see sex isn’t everything. Yes it’s important in a relationship, but this is BEYOND excessive. You’re posting this because you’re unsure about his reaction and what to do, and I’m telling you, as a friend, it’s very controlling and you shouldn’t ever have to question these feelings. You two met and married after 30 days and now it’s been 2 years… I’m not saying that quick of a marriage is doomed for failure (don’t get me wrong!). But I fear you’re beginning to understand and see the true person behind it all. You’ve been very understanding, open and allowing of threesomes, allowing him to be with other women and having another woman in the house for him. But from the way you’re talking, you’re yearning for a sense of normalcy, that I don’t think you’ll ever receive from him. It’s easier said then done, I COMPLETELY understand that. But this is not the kind of subject matter you should be struggling with in a marriage. You deserve better, to have your feelings and desires heard (and I don’t think you’re asking for too much at all OP, despite what hubby says❤️). I understand being in love, and trying your darnedest to make it work, but from your posts it’s evident you’re trying much much harder than him to be understanding and to meet his desires, than he is doing for you. He is not a child. It’s not your job to “make him listen”. You’re still very young OP… Get out of there. I promise it will hurt a lot less to be alone, than to stay in your marriage and feel you aren’t doing enough; when in reality you’re trying way more than you should. In therapy, they say “If your bestest friend came to you with the very problems you were facing, what would you tell them?” Be the friend you’d be to someone else in this situation, to yourself. You deserve only the best. This is your life, and it’s too short to be spent questioning, and feeling it’s your duty to be subservient. I’m in your corner OP. I promise, there’s more to life, and there are better men out there. Someone would be very lucky to have someone who cares as much as you do. Xoxo❤️

  9. Shame him indirectly by finishing yourself off right next to him. Might even get him going again to watch you do it. Its worked for me🤷‍♀️

  10. Well they explained in a deleted comment what they meant but the wording of their original comment comes across as they’re telling OP to compromise and that he can’t chose to not have sex. I’m not arguing what they meant just that it’s not clear, and kinda confusing. Because they said “it isn’t a fair that sex only has to be her way but” instead of “and” so without tone just reading a comment it can be read both ways.

  11. How can I use this to like kickstart things a little bit?? I’d like it if things were spicier between us but this is a bit outside of what I know how to work with yeah, if its really the pheromone thing (smell of things from where your panties normally reside), then I guess in the actually moments of foreplay you are going to have A LOT more of those 'smells' emanating from a real live human body than the residual smells on a previously used pair of panties. IOW: I don't know if there is much that can be improved beyond being in close proximity with the 'smell' creator. So with that said, there is probably a whole (another) mental side to it as well…simply put: “(i know that) These are my GF's panties”. ——————– and #2: this is not weird at all.

  12. fuck him if the girls are distracting you from getting your life together and making money and being successful then you might want to slow down. even one can make that path troubling, but THE RIGHT ONE can help you on that path. but you’re shit is together, again fuck him. do what you want. you’ll find a girl one day and when you do then you can decide to be monogamous. he’s not completely wrong, but it’s possible there could be a bit of jealousy.

  13. This sounds like an excuse to not go down on you. Maybe you're not special enough for him, or maybe he just doesn't like going down on women. Either case, it sounds like you are not going to work out.

  14. For me it boils down to a few things: 1) lack of enthusiasm. I’m not looking for a porn-star performance, but I do want to know that what I’m doing is what you like and feels good! 2) not knowing what you like. I love exploring and learning new things, but sex is always better with women who know what they like. And 3) some women just lack any kind of rhythm that makes it really hard to do a good job.

  15. Men can have standards and if they so chose to want a woman with a low body count, there’s nothing wrong with it. No one is saying women can’t sleep around, they’re free to do what they want. Most guys wouldn’t want someone with a high body count, not so much as insecurity but to be seen as a plan B after you had your “fun”

  16. It may be ruined but then it's just that: Ruined. I have not heard of any research that shows sperm in saliva can cause physical deformities in children.

  17. Honestly as others have said, size does not matter. Also I wouldn't worry about your size when soft – as a CIS woman, it'll never stop fascinating me how much penises can grow! Two of my long term partners when soft would range betwen like 1-2″ if that, but then when hard they were probably 5.5-7″, or something I found totally average or larger, though it didn't matter cause I loved them and our sex was/is good for other reasons. It fascinates and intrigues me to see how small soft penises can be, but it has never once been with any judgement, just awe. Some people are growers, some are show-ers. The show-ers may seem “bigger” when soft, but typically very little difference if any when hard. I can assure you your gf is not judging the size of your penis, particularly not when soft. 🤷‍♀️

  18. I would say it’s because you cannot get pregnant through the butthole which is obviously advantageous for people who just want to sleep around a bit imo

  19. It is totally normal to feel this way. About half of folks get off on pain. About equally ken and women. Our sex circuitry and aggression circuitry in our brain are shared circuitry as well. It is the norm in the animal kingdom as well. For some reason our culture around sex is pretty repressive though so they want you to feel bad about all kinds of things.

  20. Just communicate. When my wife and I first got into BDSM I had some drawback with being Dom. I learned it was because I had self esteem and testosterone issues. The more confident he feels the more he will feel that role. Use verbal cues during normal sex to help put his head in that space (ex you own this 🐈). Put your hands over your head and tell him hold them. Ask him unprovoked if you're allowed to orgasm. If it's something you're into and you want to share it with him make it hot for him and reaffirm that he's doing good rather than asking him to do things he's unsure of. BDSM isn't something you can really just jump into. It requires trust on both ends but being a Dom can be very stressful in the beginning. You love this woman and you want to fulfill her needs but you also worry about crossing lines you have to be fully aware of her mental and physical state at all times. I'd suggest starting with a conversation not an argument and slowly mixing in elements with the sex life that's gone on for the duration of your relationship. Lay down and tell him I'm yours do what you want. It's a very deep mental and emotional connection and it's very intense. Make a game out of it. Both of you write down things you want to try and put them in a bowl and pick one to try when you have sex. Spanking choking using your body are good starting points in our experience. If you want more in depth advice our pms are open. We've been at this for about 6 years and it's been great for our relationship.

  21. “You know what’s really sexy? Communication. I bet his abs won’t tell you when they’re insecure. Speaking of which,…”


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