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40 thoughts on “sarahtowersnaked live sex chat

  1. If your future self could read this, what would she think about the choices you are making? I hope and wish for you to reach a place of self-love, where what matters most is for your own feelings and your own truth to be lived and expressed without fear. It sounds like you are repressing yourself to be a version of you that will be tolerated by this person. I’ve been there and it hurts. I wish you self- growth and I wish you to be able to say no, to protect your self. You are not respected by this person (he is pushing you to get his fun) and it sounds as you may be disrespecting a part of your self. Sexual experiences should be fun, exiting, pleasurable. If it doesn’t feel like that, you are being forced (by another person or by yourself). Wish you well

  2. You booked flights to see him and he makes you pay your own Uber? This shit is why some men are so audacious. They know that enough women will tolerate it enough to be low effort and cheap.

  3. Yes, what you're experiencing is normal for a 60 year old man. Testosterone levels do naturally decline with age. But you don't have to accept that as inevitable. I (65m) have been taking testosterone for about 12 years, and also taking daily Cialis for that long. My doctor advised me that it was perfectly safe to supplement testosterone. My T levels are about that of a healthy 25 year old. As a result, I'm just as sexually active as I was in my 20s, and it's wonderful. My wife (68f) is like yours, she loves sex, and I'm able to keep up with her and make us both very happy. Again, I've been doing this for 12 years, and I'm quite healthy, and very happy with my sex life. I'd advise you to find a different doctor, and get yourself some T.

  4. This usually involves men actively looking for a younger more “innocent” woman. This was her fault

  5. Sure, if you want to throw 5 years of commitment down the garbage, go for it. Once you do it, there’s no comeback.

  6. At that age, going for 2 1/2 months of flirting and “dating” and not even doing any sort of messing around, I honestly would be ready to dip on out. That's just me though. For me sex is a huge part of a relationship and like I said, at that age and that length of time waiting, I just couldn't do it. Now, thankfully you found a dude who seems to be understanding of your hesitation, so that's good on him. I'd make sure you explain to him your situation though and what's holding you up so he doesn't think anything wrong about the situation.

  7. You two are not compatible, she wants to explore, you want to stay monogamous. If there's anything that will blow up a relationship, it's switching to an open relationship, when everybody is not a 110% on board. And what should I expect at a sex club? She says she just wants to go to “have some drinks, let people watch us have sex, and see what happens” This is to get you to go there. Then, in the heat of the moment, if you two have not agreed upon that any partner can put a stop to everything, she'll most likely push for more.

  8. I feel like this is the kind of thing that really needs to be discussed as opposed to surprising him with something he may not enjoy. I mean based in what you posted, he may enjoy being peed on, but I think it's just common courtesy to ask him before you go and start pissing o. His face right?

  9. well, “In the last year we’ve both tried to become more involved in our church and build a better religious foundation”, now you know why some people think religious practises are stupid, because they include approving the kind of bullshit behaviour your wife is pulling on you now. Sorry but you kinda signed up for this kinda stuff in the first place. I'm not saying the way she's acting is okay though, it's not cool of her to decide such a thing even though you've had sex befre marriage so you've already broken the “rules”, changes nothing to stop now…

  10. Look up videos on YT about narcissistic – for him to watch. As you walk out the door. Females have more nerves endings there to provide one thing, pleasure, but also her whole body needs to come alive to have full whole body orgasms. That only 30% women do have orgasm from PIV is not due biological. You are entering 30's your prime of sexuality and life and still exploring and learning. This M44 is a 🛑 road block to your fulfillment.

  11. I would suggest only sticking with sex workers but, I don't many of them would want you as a repeat customer. That being the case, my other suggestion would be a RealDoll®

  12. Before you have a discussion with him have one with yourself. Where do you feel these feelings are coming from. What exactly do you feel self conscious about, what situation are you trying to avoid and why do you want to avoid it so badly? And are your concerns about what “he's thinking” really rooted in how he sees you or is it your own avoidant anxiety positing a worst case scenario? Have courage and face your feelings honestly. It's okay to be anxious or even scared. We quell our fears by understanding them because the root of fear is the unknown. Not knowing what will happen, how it will happen, what we will do if it does or doesn't, if there is anything we can do. Accept that it may or may not go swimmingly, it may change the friendship, it may change you. These are okay, change is a part of life. Understand where your own feelings are coming from before asking someone else to. After that, if the interest is mutual then it's okay to just ask. At a private time and appropriate place (maybe not at his job or in front of friends haha) but yeah.

  13. Don't have sex with someone who doesn't care about you… Especially if it's your first time. This advice is often given to women but the same goes for men. Find someone who you can be emotionally comfortable with.

  14. Scheiße :/ He is the same age as me, I though you guys were teens :neutral_face:. He is 42 years old, and still selfish when it comes to sex, well you need to evaluate how important your sexlife is to you. If your sexlife is very important then you should go and not waste more of your time on this man. He is unlikely to get much better since he has never felt motivated before to work on this.

  15. I do think I miscommunicate when it comes to sex, but the miscommunication was that I just wasn’t interested in going back to his place that day. I honestly thought that would be fine if we figured it out in person. We have fun when we hangout. It shouldn’t be like he’s unable to agree to that plan. Pushing the other on me isn’t really the same. He is texting and said something about next weekend. But I think it’s because I kept saying “next time “instead of “yes” to doing it that night. It’s sad that I don’t know which of the two he was being with me. It’s really confusing. He would say like his two friends came in from another state (I met them at a wedding where I met him) and we were all going to hang. He talks about like when I move taking a trip with me.

  16. Sorry, I can't remember which hormone is released that causes sleepiness. I don't know what causes refractory period either, but the sleepiness is a specific hormone

  17. Tried lotion and made things worse lol. Now I don’t use anything and things are fine, I may look into trying an oil after seeing this… (fwiw I’m a female)

  18. She said it pretty clearly. But my question is why are you in a relationship with a friend? Your relationship is long over with her. Find someone who wants you, and cares about you. This is not a therapy deal. She is not cappable of being in a relationship with such communication.

  19. Please invest in some decent anal toys. There are so many out there and some are around $20. Don't use toilet paper. You will get much better pleasure and sensation from proper anal toys.

  20. Your sex history and partners's sex histories, and attitudes toward sex you soak up growing up push many different buttons. I won't try to think this through systematically. Not only might I be a little jealous of my GF's previous men, I am enormously jealous of my girlfriend for having 10 times the body count as me! 90% of women can get laid whenever they want — if they're desperate to just get laid. How come we aren't nearly so jealous of people who possess an physical gift or an artistic talent we lack (e.g., a good singing voice)? Of people who are more athletically talented? Sex is a social activity. Having a lot of fuck buddies is like having a lot of buddies: you're popular. I've had glorious sex and gf's who were uber sexy. Some of these women, however, had difficult personalities. One was smiley and friendly, but deceitful. I paid for the fabulous sex they gave me with ravaged emotions. If the GF's ex had a huge dick, and he was a nice guy, and they broke on good terms, then go ahead and feel like shit. Why aren't they still together, though? Did he dump her? Were they incompatible in values, or life goals? Even if sex is the most important thing, it's not the only thing, LOL. Which warms my heart more: a paunchy woman who caters to my every sexual taste, or a woman with perfect body but a narrow sexual palette?

  21. Yuck. I can't date anyone that's this dirty. No thank you. It sounds like he enjoys being dirty and you telling him to shower just makes him want to rebel more. I say you stop all sexual acts until he showers and continue to do so everytime. It's not unreasonable. Plus, you can get an infection if his dick is that dirty that it smells. There's also tons of men in the world that aren't this dickish and dirty. Break up and find someone else. Plus having checked out your profile, it's obvious he's a problem for other reasons too.

  22. OP check your history and responses people have been sending you for over a month. This relationship is not fun anymore. Move on before you traumatize each other

  23. This prior poster is 100% correct. Very very low risk. Also, congrats on finding a new way for you to have fun. 🙂

  24. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


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