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24 thoughts on “sendihotnaked live sex chat

  1. You did nothing wrong. He did not deserve an apology from you. If he gets rough and you complain, that is 100% always a red light, with no compromising about it. Men and boys have always tried to push their partners' heads during BJs. The smartest ones stop when you tell them to. The others need to be kicked to the curb before the next sunrise. If you tell me that porn has taught every high-school junior to expect balls-deep deepthroat, I would not question your opinion. The youngies actually believe that porno sex is what it is like in the real world. That is something that parents and teachers really need to pound into their smug, impervious little skulls

  2. That literally just sounds like you just want to get to know someone and have a non sexual connection before you have sex with them, it's like me putting a sexuality on casual sex

  3. If you are going to have one without clit, then that’s because his pen is is hitting your Gspot. That area in there is the back end of your clit, it goes all the way into your vaginal walls.

  4. Sex with condom is like eating a nice meal right after getting a filling and the novocaine hasn’t worn off yet. Also affects my performance a LOT! Basically if I’m not building toward orgasm I can’t stay hard longer than like maybe 10-15 minutes, whereas normally can go for hours with a good partner.

  5. Get yourself fit, not running fit sex fit so you can plow the f out of her for hours.. Shes got a higher sex drive than you it seems..the mind is the most powerful organ use that to control the other one

  6. He has the right to watch porn. But you have a right to set your boundaries. It’s up to you if you’re cool with it or not.

  7. If it matters enough for you to ask, then it matters somewhat. If it’s somewhat positive, frame questions from your point of you about how “It would be so hot to see you do X.” If it’s somewhat negative, don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.

  8. I'm going to chose to believe that this is a troll post… I don't like knowing that there are people out there who are like this.

  9. Lubricant. You can ice it and take anti-inflammatories after too. Arnica cream/gel is helpful for bruising, swelling, stiffness . Lots of water. Otherwise it’s just time to embrace it and play those songs about “hurts so good” or “walkin side to side” on repeat.

  10. I'm used to bareback at this point. No, condoms don't necessarily feel awful, but they feel awful compared to the real deal. I'm not trying to “give his claim weight” and i don't side with either. His claim has no more weight than anyone else

  11. It is highly doubtful that she just coincidentally figured out that they could have good sex without blowjobs immediately after getting married.

  12. I have a very peculiar problem that I face. This is not peculiar, it's normal. For men, most of the time 1 orgasm is all you can have, and usually you would go soft after, however it can stay hard with continued stimulation. If you want to cum again, you need to take some time to rest.

  13. Seriously. Why do gay guys have it so much easier when it comes to finding casual sex? My average looking gay friend can quickly find someone to hook up with at almost any hour. I’ve literally watched him tap a few times on his phone and then get ready go hookup with a stranger. When I try to do the same with women, I have to be witty and hold back and forth conversation and still usually don’t get laid that same night. I’m low key jealous of him lol

  14. How can you not see what the other guys point was? Original comment was “Well, the point of condoms is to act as a contraception”. Some dulley comes in and seriously comments “not really”. Now this other guy comes and the “why yes, condoms have been invented to protect against unwanted pregnancy” And you ask what his point is? I don't think there has ever been a discussion in history where someone has made his point more clear really

  15. Maybe try doggie? Head down ass up, let that natural body angle help you take him…. Is he going down on you and using lube enough?

  16. I would seek therapy. Doesn’t even have to be as a couple. If it’s affordable I would find a sex therapist who you can discuss all of these things with. Just even practicing talking with someone like that can do wonders. It sounds like you’re not actually in that bad of a place. You have a lot of desires, but feel shame in expressing them or being seen to hold them. This really is something you can work through. And this is so very common. You can also just start by trying to talk with your husband about it. The therapy is not a necessity, but I imagine it would be helpful. Good luck 🙂

  17. A bit of both. You do need a baseline set of skills, but you also need chemistry with the person you're with, ans a willingness to listen to what they need.


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