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Dance sexy (tweerk)??? [Multi Goal]

25 thoughts on “sexx-valentinanaked live sex chat

  1. Yesss girl!! You can do this. If you ever wanna chat about this I'm here. don't hold all these feelings in :⁠-⁠)

  2. On the other end of the spectrum. I didn’t masturbate much and then when I first had sex I was horny all the time

  3. It’s so hard for me. Even when something feels good, it’s like I can’t let myself enjoy it and just wanna shrug it off

  4. A common situation I think no matter how relaxed and into it one is. The feeling from the prostate is absolutely amazing and intense. As he articulates, over time I could almost guarantee he will stay hard for the mind blowing orgasm you are taking him too. Speaking from experience here.

  5. He’s probly into it lol. Don’t worry about it anyway. It’s your life and your body. If he’s not cool with it….the doors right there 👉🏻

  6. Well the first thing I'd do is tell him offering to open up your relationship was a mistake and that you just really want to have a sexual relationship with him again. The fact he refused means he very much still loves you and isn't interested in other women. A lot of men would jump at that chance but he didn't. So the issue isn't that he's going to cheat, it's something up with him. If it isn't ED, it could also be that his hormones are off? Have you tried doing blood tests for low testosterone or a thyroid issue? Those could be rhe culprits as well.

  7. there you go again making assumptions about my relationship. we are very happy, he’s very in love with me and i trust him. i never said i asked him to stop jerking off altogether, i was simply saying i don’t like that he watches porn. just because all men do it doesn’t mean it’s ok. you’re entitled to your bullshit opinion but so am i, your advice is no longer needed. stop inserting yourself, thanks

  8. If it’s really girthy the best you can do is suck the top part as you would do the whole penis to get him off. You have to find ways to make it work, if it’s physically impossible to avoid your teeth while putting it all in it will always be like that no matter how much you try. Try different angles

  9. He’s definitely too young to be hanging out with a 23y/o let alone doing anything sexual with him. If he’s not listening to you maybe it’s time to tell your parents about this older guy. Your brother might hate you for it now but will thank you when he’s older

  10. Yes, we went back to condoms because we didn't want to have another kid so quickly. Condoms aren't the greatest, but the narrative that they are the worst is always silly. They minimize pleasure a bit, but it's not as if you can't enjoy yourself while wearing a condom. I returned to condoms when my wife transitioned from Birth Control to the IUD. The IUD could be felt by her and really bothered her for the few months she had it in, so she removed it and went back to BC and I went back to condoms until she had reestablished the BC. When our oldest was born, we went back to condoms until she had reestablished BC. We had sex about 7 weeks-2 months after our first was born when she said she felt ready again. We went back to condoms again after the birth of our second until I got a vasectomy. Birth control was on her (with me just doing condoms) for the bulk of our relationship. After we knew we were done with kids, a vasectomy made sense. Got mine done in 2020.

  11. I am 31F and have this experience!!! It was like reading about myself haha. I have been on some sort of hormonal birth control since I was 16, but came off it in January last year in an attempt to improve my mental health. A few months ago BOOM, mental health better than ever and sexual appetite through the roof!!! My partner of 8 years can now barely keep up with my needs, so we've invested in toys and just have such a good time together, it's brought a whole new chapter of our relationship into being and it's the best!! So happy for your wife and you

  12. I have all those issues too mentally nd physically till this day nd i honestly just had to be easier on myself mentally on the idea of enjoying myself & partner in the moment. I can get caught up in the little things or big things in the moment of sex I just had to stay focused & positive on wanting to cum. And trying not to be ashamed of something like this in the moment nd days after. Sex Is normal thing that everyone does you shouldn’t be ashamed as long as everything is consensual & pleasurable. Try having conversations w/ yourself first to become more comfortable with sharing w/ others. Also giving YOURSELF positive affirmations on what your sex life nd just reminding myself I’m having fun usually helped me. This is just from my experience

  13. Lelo make very nice vibrators that we use for the first couple O's then switch to the magic wand for subsequent O's

  14. She is basically saying “I'm insecure and knowing that you feel physical attraction to other women is a deal breaker for me”. Physical attraction is in our genes (obviously people who don't feel it do exist, but most just grew up in unhealthy/ignorant/1800ish places and learned to suppress themselves instinctually). So, nothing wrong with you; your options now are: Try to avoid even looking at other girls of any kind, to avoid triggering your gf's insecurity. Try to talk to her, try to understand where her insecurity comes from and get over it together, like allowing her to understand that looking at a girl and he loving one are entirely different concepts, at least for now (this is the hardest choice with fewest success chances). Break early on. If you can't keep up with her shit or you simply don't love her enough for the above mentioned sacrifices it's better I'd you just tell her “you know, I thought about what you said, we really are not compatible”. Sorry about any mistake, english is not my first language.

  15. People just have off days sometimes. He was probably tired or stressed out. I wouldn't worry about it. You should do him the kindness of not making this into a big deal.

  16. Same here….in the morning I finish less than half the time. Nothing is wrong with you. Just enjoy the sex and closeness with your wife. Then have sex again later 👍

  17. Yes, and you are being responsible. Every day, I look at my 15 year old who was the product of a failed pull out method. Don't get me wrong, I love that boy to death but…yeah.


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