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3 thoughts on “shayla-scarlethnaked live sex chat

  1. At the time you initially had this discussion did she know you well enough, trust you well enough, to both know and believe that she could say she’d done it with another but had no interest in doing it with you and you wouldn’t hold it against her? Because, really, and I do not mean this to be more than an observation, but you can’t let it go now, when you have twenty years of love and life together. I haven’t found a comment where you explain where you heard these things about your wife. But I’m going to say if anyone but her is telling you she enjoyed it, let alone loved it, I wouldn’t put too much sock in it. I’m sure by now you’ve been around enough to know that women often do things they don’t like, especially when it comes to sex, for more reasons than anyone here can count (I’m pretty sure men do as well). No matter what is said to others. She has told you that she has never enjoyed this act, believe her. Unless she is standing there telling you that she actually enjoyed it with just these three men, and so much that she would never try it again with anyone else. You’ve said that she was the most sexually compatible and adventurous with these three, but also said she was drunk with two of them. That doesn’t exactly scream compatibility, it screams lowered inhibitions due to the effects of overindulging in a mind altering substance. And who is to say she wasn’t also drunk every time she did this with the third? Lots of things are more bearable when drunk. Standing in her shoes, assuming she is not the one who told you this, I would be pretty angry that, after 20 years, you took someone else’s word on this. Anyway, consider who you were 20 years ago. Try and remember what you said in this conversation. Did you giver her any reason to think you wouldn’t let this go if she admitted to doing it before? Did you tell her it was a dealbreaker, thus unintentionally putting her in a position where she had to choose between honesty and loosing you over what should be a non-thing, and was certainly something she never intended to do again? If she liked it, she’d still be doing it. What you consider to be the most intimate of acts many consider to be no more than a kink, or even degrading. It may very well be that she does as well. It may even be that she did things while drunk that she regretted when sober, and was too insecure in her relationship with the last BF (20 years ago) to feel like she could draw a line in the sand. So she set it early with you and left no room for ambiguity or the pestering questions such as you’re asking now. Questions, and pestering, it seems you may well have engaged in until she either left or gave in. In the first case neither of you would be as happy as you have been, in the second only you would have been. Talk to her. Take some time to really sit with yourself and identify what it is exactly you are seeking in having these questions answered. Be prepared for anger, resentment and lingering issues. She told you all the pertinent facts on the issue and has never budged, it’s unlikely she’ll be great about you questioning this now. Be prepared for the effects of dredging up past trauma, which seems like a real risk here. Be prepared to look at people you know and say you are fine with in an entirety different light. And understand that none of these could happen as well. It really could just be a non-issue to her and she’s going to be blindsided by it coming up. Also, if you can, sit with yourself for a bit and try to determine why it matters now. Not what you’re telling us, but the deeper reasons. Good luck my friend.

  2. Haha I see you went to my post history but, I am single as can be right now. Sometimes sex isn’t everything, I crave emotional connection as well. 🙈

  3. My best friend is a straight guy…when he lived with his girlfriend, we were drinking and I went to take a piss and saw a dildo suctioned on the shower wall. I couldn't care less, just kind of giggled because it was huge and blue. Everybody mastubates and incorporates toys into their sex life. I was just happy himself and his partner were obviously very happy in a physical sense.


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