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12 thoughts on “sinparadisenaked live sex chat

  1. We have standing consent from my husband that I am allowed to do this anytime and he knows to never do it on me. It all depends on consent. If my husband did it to me, it would be rape. If I did it to him, it would be hot.

  2. Na man I can’t get into small boobs tbh.. I definitely can’t be in a relationship with a women that has small boobs.. ino plenty of guys who feel the same way and then I know plenty who just like boobs in general no matter the size really. Some of us just need them big.

  3. I dont understand this. My wife does cum from being fucked and if I groan in her ear “Im gonna cum in your pussy baby” it always sends her over the edge. Hearing her orgasm while I blow my load inside her is just… Like I said, I dont understand it.

  4. The thing is that, it’s not that she doesn’t want to pleasure me. Maybe I could try different positions where she’s on top. But the 2 classic ones that we’re trying (cowgirl and reverse cowgirl) she cums really fast, and at the moment (right now), everything that I can do is to improve my physical health. I did smoked a lot of weed, drank alcohol and also vaped a lot when I finished high school (my conditioning was really good until I started partying) and it caused for me to be basically a muscled sedentary. I’m definitely going to improve on that but maybe if we try different positions it would help

  5. IUDs can sometimes be too small as well, which can also lead to expulsion, but things don't usually just fall out of the cervix. I was working in a college town and the copper IUD is only made in one size, that wasn't something I have much exposure to compared to issues with it being too large or just the wrong shape. Here are some articles that talk about expulsion from having too small a cavity: At 32×36 mm, Paragard is the biggest IUD available in the US by about 4 millimeters, which doesn't seem like much but the uterine cavity is a pretty small space. When it was first introduced in the 80s, it was counterindicated for people who haven't given birth before, but that guideline was changed in 2005, I think because the risks aren't very dangerous. I'm glad it's working for you, but my experience at the clinic made me think that it would be nice if it were available in several sizes.

  6. Hi OP, I won’t comment on the assault because others have covered that. And I won’t state the obvious about seeing a doctor, because I do understand your hesitance (but definitely remember that that’s an option and doctors are here to help!). What I did want to mention for the pain is A) over the counter pain relief gel for your butt, and B) stool softener. I have ongoing regal issues and I have used rectogesic when needed (not sure if brand name in your country) and it helped recovery A LOT. Secondly, I now regularly take Metamucil, which is a flavoured psyllium husk powder that you make into a drink. It makes your poop nice and soft, and I’ve found that it stops the tears around my butt from re-opening when I go to the toilet. Sorry this happened to you, hugs and good luck.

  7. You’ll be ready when you are ready. And if you never are, that’s ok too!! At that age, people view sex way too casually. I was guilty of this myself, and I do have some regretful experiences that still make me feel so icky decades later. Follow your gut, enjoy exploring within your comfort zone, and don’t let yourself overthink it


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