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18 thoughts on “Stella-Francessnaked live sex chat

  1. First time I did anal I was very nervous so she probably was nervous but if she gave the green light I wouldn’t read into it

  2. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to lack a descriptive title. Please resubmit the post with a title which better reflects its content. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  3. I went through most of the collection ( nope none of that …all.very well-developed anime women …thank goodness

  4. Sometimes couples just are not compatible physically and that’s happens more often than you’d think. Couples comment and figure out work arounds, like you and your gf have done. If you’re gf doesn’t feel too loose for you and you can orgasm, please do not beat yourself up over this. You did the right thing by getting the extension and it’s speaks volumes about how secure you really are and how much you love her.

  5. Yeah women don’t tend to be into that stuff, I hope my gf will be kinky because anything I ask her to do to me I am willing to do to her but again you saying your friends react not well when you say this makes me scared to ask I appreciate the honesty just damn scary lol. Your fbw sound like a lucky guy hope my gf will be like you would love to be her emotional support booty hahahaha

  6. Personally, if a guy isn't going down on me regularly and with enthusiasm, I'm out. And I think it's fair for a guy to feel the same way. I think you should find a new girlfriend.

  7. I think you’re looking at this from a fundamental misunderstanding of human genitals. The vagina isn’t a cylinder and the penis isn’t a peg which must fit tightly so that and only then sex can be pleasurable. Google what the clitoris looks like. It’s a visible tip with four legs on the inside. The purpose of a vagina is to deliver a baby, and it will stretch to do that. There’s zero dicks that size. Yours is the right size for sex.

  8. Get out of there. Go through the soul crushing pain of leaving her so that you at least have the possibility of getting better and finding someone who cares about you. As long as you are with her it will be a slow and steady torture until she finally admits she's been cheating on you the entire time anyways and leaves you when this guy becomes single. She is manipulative. After he is done with her, she will come crawling back to you and you will have hopefully moved on by then.

  9. Chlamydia is not the end of the world. It is an inconvenience, but caught early you are probably going to be okay. A quick zpac and you'll probably be completely cleared up. At least it wasn't something that requires a lifetime of work and antiviral medication, could be a lot worse! Just be honest with your current boyfriend about what happened, and get a couple of tests done for each of you. Something does come up, get some antibiotics from your doctor and your coochie with be Gucci. And his wood will be good.

  10. Lmao , dont 24m here, life can become quite lonely for a man at this age, plus it gets really hard for guys get laid in the first place.

  11. My husband and I have been fucking for 14 years. He only let me start sucking his balls about 6 months ago. He didn't enjoy it before then but legit woke up one morning and asked me to try it out. He loves it now but everyone definitely has their own thing!

  12. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a post seeking a partner for explicit chat or hooking up. These posts are not allowed. If your post was not actually a “personals” post, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  13. Whatever floats your boat I guess. But sweet baby jesus did I not expect to read this on the internet today. Sticking my dick or a finger in there is more than enough for me.


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