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Sunshinenenaked live sex chat

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15 thoughts on “Sunshinenenaked live sex chat

  1. Guys on Reddit are so eager to sell themselves short. There probably are people who think like this, but we don’t need to accept any of it. This mindset will lead to an unfulfilling service oriented relationship, one sided sex and an inevitable breakup. Some of us even believe this script so much that it’s seen as a recipe for ”earning sex” and once all the boxes have been checked and sex still doesn’t happen, we get angry. There is no contract about this. I would recommend doing stuff that you are genuinely interested in, meeting people there and seeing where it leads. Sure, at some point you have to gently open up about your intentions, but that doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility as a man, but as a human trying to get laid. The same goes for being prepared with condoms, lube and a place for having sex.

  2. Repulsive, butt true! “Jock Itch” is a fungal skin infection known as tinea cruris. It’s the tinea fungus on your dick and ball skin. That same fungus on your feet or “athletes foot” is called tinea pedis. On the rest of your body’s skin, they call it tinea corporus. It’s all the tinea fungus and the name only changes per the location. So, when you’ve got jock itch, you really have athletes foot on your balls, or you could say that athlete’s foot is jock itch on your feet. Urinary tract infection, syphillis, gonorrhea and chlamydia are all festering bacterial colonies and therefore are treated with antibiotics.

  3. I was the same way, I could only orgasm on my stomach with my legs together. I learned how to orgasm with my legs open over a few months. I added a vibe between my legs, then once I could orgasm with the vibe, started slowly opening my legs bit by bit. It did ruin the orgasms at first but eventually they got better.

  4. You probably just described most of the satisfying sex that takes place in the world. If you are young, you might be surrounded by hyper-sexual people, but what you just described is pretty typical.

  5. I say this with all of the little respect this man deserves.. he sounds awful. Get a Hitachi wand and handle things yourself until he stops being such a greedy horrible fuck.

  6. Does it take you a long time to cum usually. I have this problem. After I got cut i didn’t have to worry about swelling though. Try being less vigorous with strokes if you can

  7. lol your first comment has some upvotes, but now you're just going negative with all your other ones. I think you're the one with a kink here, fetishizing over someone else that HAS to be kinking

  8. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a question about birth control or if you or someone else might be pregnant. These posts are not allowed. The topics are well covered by the PREGNANCY FAQ in general, and, if you're worried about a specific incident, no one can really know the likelihood that it resulted in pregnancy. You might also find the FIRST TIME HAVING SEX FAQ helpful as well. Also, please check the TOP POSTS FROM THE LAST DAY WEEK MONTH YEAR and ALL TIME. If your post was not asking if you or someone else might be pregnant or a generic question about birth control, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


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