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The love of your life Noranaked live sex chat

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18 thoughts on “The love of your life Noranaked live sex chat

  1. Yes, you stated you do know your relationship: “but has also said she gets jealous and is definitely monogamous” Those two things rule out an open relationship.

  2. Lmao just because you seemingly have no self control doesn’t mean other don’t. Classic reddit. Go straight for the ad hominems when in fact I've said nothing about myself or my own sexual behavior. Last time I checked, casual sex isn’t “human nature”. Sex in general is, and while people control their desires to varying degrees, if people didn't desire it to a certain extent, it wouldn't happen as often as it does. Where in nature or human history is seeking out hookups considered normal (besides currently)? Pretty much all of human history. It has happened with great frequently across all time periods and societies, even if it was stigmatized or considered “scandalous.” If it happens even in countries with sharia law, that should yell you something. Even if it was natural, humans have a habit of defying natural instincts. To an extent, but that doesn’t eliminate human nature altogether. If your statement was “sex is human nature”, I’d agree. But you also need to realize that just because they don’t pursue casual sex doesn’t mean they’re abstaining from sex. Dating exists, long term relationships exist, etc. And yet people do indeed often desire sex with someone other than their spouse or partner and often desire it for physical reasons with someone they may not have an emotional connection with. People may desire it more than others, but again, it does happen fairly frequently, and has so throughout history.

  3. 100% , stay the fuck there. Men make such a big deal about blue balls, me getting close and not coming should have a name (blue clit?)

  4. After 12 of marriage and bad sex, finally know what the problem is low cervix. After communicating and trying, she’s okay with me thrusting deep now. And she enjoys it too

  5. If your boyfriend loves you instead of critiquing your sex life he should be showing you what he likes and how he likes it. It also sounds like he is not empowering you so you can appreciate your body. He sounds like a complete jerk imo. I honestly would suggest binning him & concentrate on working on self love for yourself. Maybe treat yourself to a bath bomb bath every month or book yourself a massage. I'm not a skinny woman and i hated my body but i started following body positive influencers on social media and through them i learned to slowly see the beauty in my body, appreciate it for what it is & all that it has been through. I wish you good luck

  6. JFC. Patrick Star? I could be misreading but that seems like a cruel jab not a cute inside joke. So I’ve actually been with a couple of people for their first time and not once did it ever cross my mind to say that. Nor think it. If I am with someone and they are not responding then I consider it my responsibility to establish a rapport before taking it any further. I literally cannot imagine proceeding without mutual engagement. I’ll get really specific so you understand what I mean. I’m with a girl. We’re kissing. In that moment my whole focus is on kissing until I get to the point where she’s asking for more. Verbally or nonverbally and if we aren’t regular partners then it really does have to involve verbal confirmation, which has never been a problem, I just ask “do you want me to —“ and we go from there. At each stage it’s an act we’re performing together even if I’m the one “performing” — if I have my face in her chest, her hands are in my hair, if I have my face between her legs I’ll often interlace the fingers of my left hand through hers and even if she’s shy about making noise she can squeeze my fingers to tell me what feels good. It’s a dialogue. If I want to know how to please her (because everyone is different and I don’t assume I know everything) then we touch ourselves together and I get to see what makes her feel good. It’s about learning, showing, communication, intimacy and trust. Now what worries me here is you’re not really saying anything about how this makes you feel. Are you satisfied with your sex life? Or is this a question about how to perform in a way that makes your husband not tease you and we are meant to be ignoring your experience and pleasure?

  7. That could be. I was just unsure. I know people are assuming but I didn't know if there was confirmation from either side. Crazy stories though.

  8. Not upset, but maybe disappointed because (hypothetical) I would be have tried to make it special for (hypothetical) you.

  9. I don't think my interests are in quantity but certain activities I don't think my partner and I could achieve together.

  10. Lucky for OP, he isn’t you, and your thoughts on what a marriage ended is are totally irrelevant. You stay in your marriage when your spouse lied for years about what they enjoyed sexually to impress you to lock you down and then lied for years more about their intentions for giving in bed. You are more than entitled to stay in a relationship built on lies. As you can see based on the reactions in this thread, your tolerance for lies in a marriage is not the norm. And luckily for OP, he doesn’t have to share your opinion. Most people don’t. And that’s what the problem is here. She lied. To impress him and lock him down, and then continued to lie for the next 8 years about her intentions. It’s not about the blowjobs. It’s about how she lied and used sexuality to manipulate her husband into marrying her. PS I am a woman. Was married for 11 years. Lies were what ended my marriage and I sure as fuck was entitled to end it over them. And you aren’t entitled to tell anyone what shitty behavior they should allow.

  11. There is no way to bring this up without risking hurt on his part. You have to accept that. You’re essentially going to say to your boyfriend (going from what is said here) “when my friends are at college parties getting laid I feel like I’m missing out so I want to be able to sleep with people like they do, but still be with you.” Right? If he feels some way about that you got to accept that. There is no way to avoid it or soften the blow here.

  12. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about anal sex. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of your post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  13. She was trying to cheer you up and you acted like an asshole. Control your anger, you're an adult.


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