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Live video chat room Vivienne-moon

Vivienne-moonnaked live sex chat

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4 thoughts on “Vivienne-moonnaked live sex chat

  1. It absolutely is facts, I’d keep arguing with you but someone that immediately resorts to insults isn’t worth my time. I feel bad for you tbh, you sound like a genuinely miserable and pathetic human being. I can see it thru my phone screen with transparency. Stick to sims and living out your purposeless existence. And Try not to project too much, not a good look lol. This is real empirical evidence and data they picked up from thousands of men. Not to mention just overall experience, ask anyone, most men truly prefer less hair on a woman, thats just the reality. And most people know this. Its mostly just butthurt (usually less conventionally attractive bitter women) feminist women like yourself that dont want to believe this. These are stats whether you wanna believe it or not. Now go back to playing in your little virtual world sweetheart, I can just tell you underachieve deeply in life, so you overcompensate in your little virtual game and on reddit. Take care 😂😂

  2. Ugh! Couldn’t agree more!!! In fact I find it odd that your husband doesn’t want to sext with you. I would do anything to get my partner to sext with me.

  3. Idk if you're aware that your vagina is made to get pass through a baby sized head, so is very unlikely that you get hurt if that's what you're worried about, as someone in other comment said, just you have to be in the mood, relaxed, don't be worried and try to not have the size in mind. the dick is not what matters at last but that you two have a good time together.


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